
Disabling Reflection for an Item Along a Path

The xamCarouselPanel™, xamDataCarousel™, xamCarouselListBox™, and xamDataPresenter™'s Carousel View controls display their items with a reflection beneath the item. The Carousel controls use reflection by default, and therefore need to calculate the extra space needed to display the reflection.

The Carousel controls offer a means to disable the reflection if it is detracting from the usability of your application. You can turn off reflections by setting the ReserveSpaceForReflections property off the CarouselViewSettings object to False. The following code turns off reflections for the xamCarouselPanel.


        <igWindows:CarouselViewSettings ReserveSpaceForReflections="False" />

Place this code inside the XamCarouselPanel opening tag in the Adding xamCarouselPanel to Your Page topic. You will see xamCarouselPanel displaying buttons without reflections similar to the image below.

xamcarouselistbox with reflection disabled