
Modifying the Scale of Elements on xamCarouselListBox’s Path

The xamCarouselListBox™ control allows you to scale items by a percentage based on their position on the path. Scaling gives Records a 3D effect. The ScalingEffect is similar to other Path effects in that you define a ScalingEffectStopCollection that contains ScalingEffectsStops, each of which specify an offset and a value to apply at that offset. The value is a decimal percentage that can go from 0 to 10.

Enable scaling by setting the UseScaling property to True off the CarouselViewSettings object. Off this same object, set the ScalingEffectStopDirection property to UseItemPath, Horizontal, or Vertical.


This topic assumes you have completed the tasks in Adding xamCarouselListBox to Your Application.

  1. Define the ViewSettings object.


  1. Specify the CarouselViewSettings object and set the UseScaling property to True and the ScalingEffectStopDirection property to UseItemPath.


<igWindows:CarouselViewSettings ScalingEffectStopDirection="UseItemPath"
  1. Define the ScalingEffectStops object. This object contains the ScalingEffectStopCollection and the ScalingEffectStops. Create three ScalingEffectStops.


                <igWindows:ScalingEffectStop Offset="0" Value="2" />
                <igWindows:ScalingEffectStop Offset=".5" Value="1.1" />
                <igWindows:ScalingEffectStop Offset="1" Value=".1" />
  1. Build and run the project. You should see the size of the items in xamCarouselListBox increasing in size as they pass through the path similar to the image below.

modifying the scale of elements on xamcarousellistbox's path