
Conditional Formatting (xamDataGrid)

Topic Overview


You can apply different styles when a cell value changes in a xamDataGrid control. A CellValuePesenterStyleSelector can be specified on the FieldSettings at any level. Available levels include:

Specific styles are set using the SelectStyle method on the CellValuePesenterStyleSelector every time a cell value is changed. This occurs when:

  • A CellValuePresenter's value changes and the cell is not in edit mode.

  • A CellValuePresenter's value is changed by a user in edit mode and the changes are accepted.

Required background

Background type Content


You need to be familiar with the following concepts:


Applying different styles when a CellValuePresenter’s Value Changes


The code below demonstrates how the cell’s style is changed according to custom logic using the CellValuePesenterStyleSelector specified on the Settings of a particular Field object.


Following image previews the final result where values over 50,000 are red while all other values are blue.

xamDataGrid CVPStyleSelectorUpdatedOnValueChanged.png


To complete the procedure, you need the following:

  • Include the CarsBusinessLogic class in your project. This class contains the sample data used in this example.


  1. Creating custom styles and adding them as Window resources.

    Two custom styles are added as Window resources. They are applied according to a certain rule when a cell value changes. The values that are less than 50,000 get a blue foreground color while values greater than 50,000 get a red foreground color.

    In XAML:

    <Style x:Key="CVP_RedField" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red" />
    <Style x:Key="CVP_BlueField" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
  1. Adding the xamDataGrid control and a Button to increase certain values.

    A Button is added and its Click event handler implements functionality to change the cell values in one of the xamDataGrid Fields (“BasePrice”).

    In XAML:

            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" DataSource="{Binding}"/>
        <Button Content="Increase Price by 10000" Grid.Row="1"
                Width="150" Height="22" Margin="10"
                HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"
                Click="Button_Click" />
  1. Creating a subclass of the StyleSelector class and implementing the SelectStyle method.

    The SelectStyle returns a different Style when the base price is changed.

    In Visual Basic:

    Friend Class CVPStyleSelector_Field
      Inherits StyleSelector
        Private _redStyle As Style
        Private _blueStyle As Style
        Friend Sub New(redStyle As Style, blueStyle As Style)
            Me._redStyle = redStyle
            Me._blueStyle = blueStyle
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Function SelectStyle(item As Object container As DependencyObject) As Style
            Dim over50K As Boolean = (50000 < Decimal.Parse(item.ToString()))
            If over50K Then
                Return _redStyle
                Return _blueStyle
            End If
        End Function
    End Class

    In C#:

    internal class CVPStyleSelector_Field : StyleSelector
        private Style _redStyle;
        private Style _blueStyle;
        internal CVPStyleSelector_Field(Style redStyle, Style blueStyle)
            this._redStyle = redStyle;
            this._blueStyle = blueStyle;
        public override Style SelectStyle(object item, DependencyObject container)
            bool over50K = (50000 < decimal.Parse(item.ToString()));
            if (over50K)
                return _redStyle;
                return _blueStyle;
  1. Setting the CellValuePresenterStyleSelector property and loading sample data in the xamDataGrid.

    In Visual Basic:

    Public Sub New()
        AddHandler Loaded, AddressOf Me.MainWindow_Loaded
    End Sub
    Private Sub LoadData()
        Dim businessData As New CarsBusinessLogic()
        Me.DataContext = TryCast(businessData.GetCars(), ObservableCollection(Of Car))
    End Sub
    Private Sub MainWindow_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
        Dim redForegroundStyle As Style _
            = TryCast(Me.Resources("CVP_RedField"), Style)
        Dim blueForegroundStyle As Style _
            = TryCast(Me.Resources("CVP_BlueField"), Style)
        Me.dataGrid.DefaultFieldLayout.Fields("BasePrice").Settings.CellValuePresenterStyleSelector = _
            New CVPStyleSelector_Field(redForegroundStyle, blueForegroundStyle)
    End Sub

    In C#:

    public MainWindow()
        Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainWindow_Loaded);
    private void LoadData()
        CarsBusinessLogic businessData = new CarsBusinessLogic();
        this.DataContext = businessData.GetCars() as ObservableCollection;
    private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Style redForegroundStyle = this.Resources["CVP_RedField"] as Style;
        Style blueForegroundStyle = this.Resources["CVP_BlueField"] as Style;
        this.dataGrid.DefaultFieldLayout.Fields["BasePrice"].Settings.CellValuePresenterStyleSelector =
            new CVPStyleSelector_Field(redForegroundStyle, blueForegroundStyle);
  1. Handle the Button Click event to change the cells values in the “BasePrice” Fields.

    Clicking the button, the cell values in the BasePrice column increase with 10 000.

    In Visual Basic:

    Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
        Dim temp As ObservableCollection(Of Car) = TryCast(Me.DataContext,
        ObservableCollection(Of Car))
        For Each car As Car In temp
            car.BasePrice += 10000
    End Sub

    In C#:

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        ObservableCollection<Car> temp =
        this.DataContext as ObservableCollection<Car>;
        foreach (Car car in temp)
            car.BasePrice += 10000;
  1. Save the application.

  1. (Optional) Verify the result.

    Run your application and then click the “Increase…” button. If the code is implemented properly, the “BasePrice” cells values increase and when some of them reach 50,000 their foreground color changes to red.