
Enable Row Summaries

You can give your end users the ability to select the row summaries for a field in xamDataPresenter™ by setting the AllowSummaries property of a FieldSettings object to True. When you set the AllowSummaries property to True, xamDataPresenter will display a summary button in the field labels. Your end users can click the summary button to display a summary selection dialog box. In the summary selection dialog box, they can select the row summaries they want to see. You can manually add summaries for a field using XAML or procedural code even if you do not set the AllowSummaries property to True.

In addition to the AllowSummaries property of a FieldSettings object, you can also use the following properties to modify summary related behaviors:

  • SummaryDisplayArea - This property determines the location where XamDataPresenter displays the summary results.


You cannot set the SummaryDisplayArea property to TopLevelOnly without specifying a location as well. For example, you can set the SummaryDisplay Area to TopLevelOnly | BottomFixed in C# or TopLevelOnly Or BottomFixed in Visual Basic.

  • SummaryUIType - This property determines whether an end user can select a single summary or multiple summaries for a field. The default value for this property is MultiSelectForNumericsOnly. If you want to enable summaries for non-numeric fields, you have to set this property to either SingleSelect or MultiSelect.

You can set the summary related properties on xamDataPresenter’s FieldSettings property and/or on a Field object’s FieldSettings property. Any summary related property that you explicitly set on a field level will override the corresponding summary related property that you set on the xamDataPresenter control level.

The following example code demonstrates how to enable row summaries.


<igDP:XamDataPresenter Name="xamDataPresenter1" BindToSampleData="True">
            SummaryDisplayArea="InGroupByRecords, BottomFixed" />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
Me.xamDataPresenter1.FieldSettings.AllowSummaries = True
Me.xamDataPresenter1.FieldSettings.SummaryUIType = SummaryUIType.MultiSelect
Me.xamDataPresenter1.FieldSettings.SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.InGroupByRecords Or SummaryDisplayAreas.BottomFixed

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
this.xamDataPresenter1.FieldSettings.AllowSummaries = true;
this.xamDataPresenter1.FieldSettings.SummaryUIType = SummaryUIType.MultiSelect;
this.xamDataPresenter1.FieldSettings.SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.InGroupByRecords | SummaryDisplayAreas.BottomFixed;