

In This Group of Topics


This section contains topics covering the xamDataPresenter™ control for WPF.

The xamDataPresenter is a layout-type control which allows the visualizing of data in several different views including custom ones. It is useful when you need to change the data presentation view dynamically.

The illustration below demonstrates pre-defined views. (The control can display one view at a time; there are several views in the picture for illustration purposes.)

xamDataPresenter About xamDataPresenter 03.png


Topic Purpose

This is a group of topics providing an overview of the xamDataPresenter control.

This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to add a basic xamDataPresenter to your page.

This is a group of topics explaining how to bind the xamDataPresenter to different data types.

This a group of topics explaining how to use the xamDataPresenter control and manage it programmatically.

This is a group of topics explaining how to style the various visual elements of the xamDataPresenter control and how to modify the build-in themes to manage the look-and-feel of the grid.

This is a group of topics explaining how to improve the performance of the xamDataPresenter in your application.

This topic provides reference information about the namespaces and classes related to the xamDataPresenter control.