
Start Up Position of xamDialogWindow

You can set the initial position of the xamDialogWindow control by setting the StartupPosition property to one of the following StartupPosition enumeration values:

  • Center – the dialog window will appear in the center of the application or container.

  • Manual – manually set values for the Top and Left properties.

When the dialog window is restored to normal state, it will be restored to the last position it was at.

The following code demonstrates up to specify a start up position for the dialog window by setting the Top and Left properties.


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Width="600" Height="400">
   <ig:XamDialogWindow x:Name="DialogWindow" Width="200"
       Height="200" IsModal="True"
       StartupPosition="Manual" Top="250" Left="350">

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Controls.Interactions
DialogWindow.StartupPosition = StartupPosition.Manual
DialogWindow.Top = 250
DialogWindow.Left = 350

In C#:

using Infragistics.Controls.Interactions;
DialogWindow.StartupPosition = StartupPosition.Manual;
DialogWindow.Top = 250;
DialogWindow.Left = 350;