
Configuring the xamGantt Project Calendar

Topic Overview


This topics describes how you can use Project Calendar to specify working time information.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic describes how you can add the xamGantt control to a page.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Project Calendar Introduction


ProjectCalendar class is used to represent working time information in a Project.

The table below summarizes the main properties of project calendar:

Property Description

You can specify working time information for the days of the week using this property.

You can specify the name for the calendar.

You can get a collection of objects representing custom adjustments to the working times, based on specified recurrence patterns.

You can specify a string that uniquely identifies the calendar.

You can get a collection of ProjectCalendarWorkWeek objects that provides working times for the days of the week for specified range of dates.

Days of Week

The DaysOfWeek Property returns a ScheduleDaysOfWeek class. ScheduleDaysOfWeek exposes ScheduleDayOfWeek property for each of the seven days of week. You can specify settings for each day by setting the DaySettings property of the ScheduleDayOfWeek.

Code Examples Overview


The following table lists the code examples included in this topic:

Example Description

You can specify working times for each day of the week and specify whether day of the week is working or not.

You can create specific reccurent custom adjustments to the working time using WorkWeeks.

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

The topics in this group contain information about xamGantt Calendars.

This topic gives an overview of the main features of xamGantt Calendars. xamGantt makes time calculations using calendars.