
Project-Related Features

Topic Overview


This topic gives an overview of the major project-related features available using the xamGantt™ control.

Main Features Summary

Main features summary chart

The following table summarizes the xamGantt control’s main project-related features. Additional details follow later in this topic.

Feature Description

The xamGantt control provides either automatic or manual re-calculation of the project when changes occur.

The xamGantt control provides functionality for project critical path calculation.

The xamGantt control provides functionality for scheduling the project from its start or finish date.

Project Calculation

Project calculation

As in the Microsoft Project, the xamGantt control provides functionality for calculating the project after each edit and keeping the project and task data up-to-date.

The xamGantt control’s built-in scheduling engine provides much of the same scheduling functionality found in the Microsoft Project.

The engine performs:

  • intra-task updates – updating the related properties within a task when modifying a task property

  • inter-task updates – updating the related predecessor/successors tasks as well as ancestors and descendants.

By default, the scheduling engine performs the project re-calculation after each edit, but this is a configurable feature and can be set to trigger project calculations explicitly.

Project Critical Path Calculation

Project critical path calculation

As in the Microsoft Project, the xamGantt control provides functionality for project critical path calculations.

The project critical path consists of tasks that are critical for the calculated project’s start or finish date. By definition, a task is critical if delaying it results in violating a deadline or constraint or increasing the project’s duration.

Using the xamGantt control:

  • you can highlight either single or multiple critical paths

  • configure the tasks’ critical slack limit

Project Scheduling From Start or Finish Date

Project scheduling from start or finish date

As in the Microsoft Project, the xamGantt control provides project scheduling functionality from a project’s start or finish date.

This means that updates to the project tasks’ start and finish dates occur according to the project’s start or finish date.

  • For a project scheduled from its start date, the scheduling engine uses the start date as a starting point to calculate the project finish date.

  • For a project scheduled from its finish date, the scheduling engine uses the finish date as a starting point to calculate the project start date.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic gives an overview of the major task-related features available using the xamGantt control.

This topic gives an overview of some of the major features available using the xamGantt control.