Configuring a task’s constraint
Returns or sets the date (UTC) and type of a task constraint.
Configuring a task’s deadline
Returns or sets a deadline date for completing a task in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Configuring a task’s duration and duration format
Returns or sets task duration and duration format.
Configuring a task’s finish date
Returns or sets the finish date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Configuring if a task is active or inactive
Returns or sets a task’s state (active/inactive).
Configuring a taskbar visibility
Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating if a task bar is visible in the xamGantt chart section.
Configuring a task’s mode (automatically/manually scheduled)
Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating whether task scheduling occurs manually or automatically.
Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating if a task represents a major event in the project and should be marked as a milestone.
Configuring task’s duration, start and finish dates based on specified number of units and unit type
Returns or sets duration, start and finish dates.
Displays the ManualStart and ManualFinish values in xamGantt grid section’s Start and Finish columns. Example:
ManualDuration = ProjectDuration.FromFormatUnits(5, ProjectDurationFormat.Days)
Setting a free formatted text in the Finish date column for a manually scheduled task using the ManualDateTime constructor:
ManualFinish = new ManualDateTime(“Not Defined Yet”)
Configuring a task’s progress
Returns or sets a value between 0 and 100, inclusively, representing the percentage of the ManualDuration completed.
Configuring a task’s predecessors
Use the Add method to set task predecessors in the Predecessors collection; or set/get a string representing the predecessors by ID via the PredecessorsIdText.
Configuring a task’s resources
Use the Add method to set task resources in the Resources collection; or set/get a string representing the resources via the ResourcesText.
Configuring the scheduled duration, start and finish for a task
Returns or sets the total span of a task’s active working time; scheduled start and scheduled finish dates expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Configuring a task’s start date
Returns or sets task start date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Configuring a task’s successors
Use the Add method to set task successors in the Successors collection; or set/get a string representing the successors by ID via the SuccessorsIdText.
Configuring a task’s name
Returns or sets the name of the task.
Configuring the collection of child tasks
Returns the collection of child tasks.