
Move Node Within View

Topic Overview


The purpose of this document is to describe how to navigate with mouse and keyboard for moving the NetworkNode within the view portal.

In this topic

The following sections of navigation the xamNetworkNode control within view portal are:

Ctrl key + [The plus sign]

- Zoom In

Ctrl key + [The minus sign]

- Zoom Out

Mouse wheel

- Zoom In / Out

Arrow keys (up, down, left, right)

- Pan

Mouse click and move NetworkNode

- Pan

Use WindowRect method (in code)

- Move NetworkNode in view

Required background

The table below lists the prerequisites for this topic.

Background type Content


You need to be familiar with the following concepts:

  • Set focus to the control by clicking on the background view of the control (by default control is not in focus).

  • Ensure the Pan and Zoom properties are not disabled (by default Pan and Zoom are enabled).


You need to first read the following topics:

Pan and Zoom settings, as shown here are optional. They are enabled by default.


   <ig:NavigationSettings AllowPan="True" AllowZoom="True" />

In C#:

xnn.NavigationSettings.AllowPan = true;
xnn.NavigationSettings.AllowZoom = true;

In Visual Basic:

xnn.NavigationSettings.AllowPan = True
xnn.NavigationSettings.AllowZoom = True

Moving NetworkNode within view

The xamNetworkNode control supports mouse and keyboard navigation to zoom and pan the control within the view. Programmatic navigation is possible by calling the WindowsRect method of the control. Keyboard navigation commands with the associated key combinations are defined in the sections below.

Navigation Section

Command Action

Hold down the Ctrl key and press the plus [+] sign on the keyboard

The view port will zoom in on the NetworkNode.

Hold down the Ctrl key and press the minus [-] sign on the keyboard

The view port will zoom out on the NetworkNode

Use the Mouse wheel to scroll

The view port will zoom in and out on the NetworkNode

Use the Arrow keys on the keyboard

The view port will move the NetworkNode to corresponding direction in the view.

Point the Mouse to the background of the NetworkNode (not on any specific node) then press the Left Mouse button and move the mouse

The view port will pan the NetworkNode in view

To programmatically navigate the NetworkNode, you can use the WindowRect method. The zoom location is based on the coordinates passed parameters to the method. For example the code example below demonstrates how to zoom in on a node. The parameters for the method are the X coordinate, Y coordinate, Width, and Height of the node. Only the X coordinate is modified here to move the NetworkNode along the X axis.

Note: If the only Width and Height values are manipulated the view port will also zoom against the control.

In C#:

xnn.WindowRect = new Rect(xnn.WindowRect.X + 100, xnn.WindowRect.Y, xnn.WindowRect.Width, xnn.WindowRect.Height);

In VB:

xnn.WindowRect = New Rect(xnn.WindowRect.X + 100, xnn.WindowRect.Y, xnn.WindowRect.Width, xnn.WindowRect.Height)