
Searching in Nodes


When searching in nodes, the search conditions are specified by a predicate delegate. During the search, the xamNetworkNode™ control enumerates all nodes and calls the predicate delegate on each node. A network node is considered a match and returned in the search results if its underlying data fulfills the conditions of the predicate delegate. The matching results are presented as a collection of NetworkNodeNode objects.

Implementing Searching in Nodes

There are two implementation approaches based on how the predicate delegate is defined. Each of them is covered in an individual sub-section below.

Using a Standard Predicate Delegate

When using a standardly defined predicate delegate, you first create the predicate delegate (the search condition), and then use it to perform the search.

  1. Create the predicate delegate.

    1. Define a predicate delegate search condition.

      The predicate delegate is a method that accepts a generic parameter and returns a Boolean value.

      The following method receives a NodeModel object and compares its Label to a string.

      In Visual Basic:

      Private _searchText As String = "some text"
      Private Function SearchCondition(node As NodeModel) As Boolean
          Dim nodeLabel As String = node.Label.ToLower()
          'Compare the label to a string.
          Return nodeLabel.Contains(_searchText)
      End Function

      In C#:

      private string _searchText = "some text";
      private bool SearchCondition(NodeModel node)
          string nodeLabel = node.Label.ToLower();
          //Compare the label to a string.
          return nodeLabel.Contains(_searchText);
    2. Encapsulate the Search Condition method.

      Create a Predicate<T> object, which will encapsulate the SearchCondition method created in Step 1. The predicate object will be passed as a parameter to the Search method of Network Node:

      In Visual Basic:

      Dim searchCondition As New _
          Predicate(Of NodeModel)(AddressOf SearchCondition)

      In C#:

      Predicate searchCondition = new Predicate(SearchCondition);
  1. Perform the search.

Using a Lambda Expression

This is a "shortcut" approach: it uses a lambda expression to define the predicate delegate directly in the Search method.

In Visual Basic:

Dim searchText As String = "some text"
Dim searchResults As IEnumerable(Of NetworkNodeNode) = _
    networkNodeInstance.Search(Function(node As NodeModel) _

In C#:

string searchText = "some text";
IEnumerable searchResults = networkNodeInstance.Search
    ((NodeModel node) => node.Label.ToLower().Contains(searchText));