
Binding xamPivotGrid to XmlaDataSource

The XmlaDataSource uses an instance of SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) to connect to data through XML for Analysis (XMLA) HTTP access provider (e.g. msmdpump.dll) XML for Analysis is a standard API in the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Business Intelligence (BI) space, supported by a broad range of database vendors including Microsoft®, SAP®, SAS®, and Oracle®.

The following procedure demonstrates how to use the XmlaDataSource as data source for the xamPivotGrid control.

  1. Create an instance of XmlaDataSource in the Resources section of your layout root, setting its ServerURI property to the appropriate URL

    In XAML:

       <olap:XmlaDataSource x:Key="DataSource" ServerUri="" />

    If you prefer to setup the data source in code then you instantiate an instance of the XmlaDataSource class and map it to the appropriate URI.

    In Visual Basic:

    Dim DataSource As New XmlaDataSource()
    DataSource.ServerUri = New Uri("")
    ' or by providing all related objects
    Dim Settings As New XmlaConnectionSettings()
    Settings.ServerUri = New Uri("")
    Dim Connection As New XmlaConnection(Settings)
    Dim DataProvider As New XmlaDataProvider(Connection)
    Dim DataSource As New XmlaDataSource(DataProvider)

    In C#:

    XmlaDataSource DataSource = new XmlaDataSource();
    DataSource.ServerUri = new Uri("");
    // or by providing all related objects
    XmlaConnectionSettings Settings = new XmlaConnectionSettings();
    Settings.ServerUri = new Uri("");
    XmlaConnection Connection = new XmlaConnection(Settings);
    XmlaDataProvider DataProvider = new XmlaDataProvider(Connection);
    XmlaDataSource DataSource = new XmlaDataSource(DataProvider);
  1. Add the xamPivotGrid control and set its DataSource property the XmlaDataSource defined as a static resource.

    In XAML:

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" >
        <ig:XamPivotGrid x:Name="PivotGrid" DataSource="{StaticResource DataSource}" />
        <!-- TODO add xamPivotDataSelector control -->

    In Visual Basic:

    Dim PivotGrid As New XamPivotGrid()
    PivotGrid.DataSource = DataSource

    In C#:

    XamPivotGrid PivotGrid = new XamPivotGrid();
    PivotGrid.DataSource = DataSource;
  1. Add the xamPivotDataSelector control and set its DataSource property to the XmlaDataSource resource.

    In XAML:

    <ig:XamPivotDataSelector x:Name="DataSelector" DataSource="{StaticResource DataSource}" />
        <!-- or -->
    <ig:XamPivotDataSelector x:Name="DataSelector" DataSource="{Binding DataSource, ElementName=PivotGrid}" />

    In Visual Basic:

    Dim DataSelector As New XamPivotDataSelector()
    DataSelector.DataSource = DataSource

    In C#:

    XamPivotDataSelector DataSelector = new XamPivotDataSelector();
    DataSelector.DataSource = DataSource;

    Alternatively, the XmlaDataSource may be created in line with the xamPivotGrid control.

    In XAML:

    <ig:XamPivotGrid x:Name="PivotGrid">
            <olap:XmlaDataSource ServerUri="" />

    If server authentication is required, add a Credentials property definition of the XmlaDataSource with a username, password, and domain (optional). A domain definition is only necessary for Basic and Windows authentication.

    In XAML:

    <olap:XmlaDataSource x:Key="DataSource">

    In Visual Basic:

    Dim Credentials As New XmlaNetworkCredential()
    Credentials.UserName = "Administrator"
    Credentials.Password = "diQ2j#f"
    Dim DataSource As New XmlaDataSource()
    DataSource.ServerUri = New Uri("")
    DataSource.Credentials = Credentials

    In C#:

    XmlaNetworkCredential DataSource = new XmlaNetworkCredential();
    Credentials.UserName = "Administrator";
    Credentials.Password = "diQ2j#f";
    XmlaDataSource DataSource = new XmlaDataSource();
    DataSource.ServerUri = new Uri("");
    DataSource.Credentials = Credentials;