The xamRadialMenu’s button items are ordinary items, represented by the RadialMenuItem class which may be clicked to perform an action. The button items can include text and/or icons. Additionally, button items can have Sub-Items, and in this case the parent item will have an arrow button on the outer ring allowing the user to navigate the Sub-Items group.
You may configure button items as checkbox items, in which case an arc indicates their checked state is within the items area just inside the outer ring.
Button items can be configured as radio button items and there are two modes in which they can operate:
Radio button group with at least one checked item
Radio button group with no checked items
The following screenshot shows different button item types:
Plain button items
Checkbox button item in checked state
Arrows showing that these color items have Sub-Items
Radio buttons group with the second choice checked
Button Items Configuration Summary
Button items configuration summary chart
The following table briefly explains the main configurable aspects of the button items control and maps them to properties that configure them.
Configure the button item as a radio button by setting the CheckBehavior property to RadioButton (for a group with one checked item) or RadioButtonAllowAllUp (for a group which allows no checked items) and set a group name using the GroupName property to an equal value for all group members