
Add a Status Bar to the Ribbon Window

The StatusBar of xamRibbonWindow allows you to display messages at the bottom of the application window. Typically, you can use this area to display a progress indicator for time-consuming tasks or display a message for invalid operations performed by your end user. The StatusBar property of the xamRibbonContentHost must be set to an instance of a StatusBar control.

Just like any ContentControl, a property of the control cannot be declared as part of the control’s content. Therefore, you must declare the xamRibbonContentHost’s StatusBar property outside of any layout containers. A good place to put the tags for the StatusBar would be immediately following the xamRibbonContentHost’s Ribbon property closing tag.


The creation of a StatusBar control is not included as it is outside the scope of this help topic.

The following example code demonstrates how to add a StatusBar to xamRibbonWindow.


        <StatusBar Name="StatusBar1">
                <!--TODO: Add StatusBar Items -->