
Resize a Tool

When Ribbon tools are situated in a RibbonGroup, the ribbon tools can take on three different SizingModes:

  • ImageOnly - the tool’s Caption is hidden and displays the SmallImage.

  • ImageAndTextNormal - the tool’s Caption is shown and displays the SmallImage.

  • ImageAndTextLarge - the tool’s Caption is shown and displays the LargeImage.

A Ribbon tool’s default minimum and maximum size is based on Microsoft® Office® 2007 UI guidelines. For example, buttons normally display in Office 2007 with a small image and a caption. This coincides with a MaximumSize of ImageAndTextNormal for the Ribbon tools. When the ribbon in Office 2007 is reduced to a smaller size, the buttons will hide their captions and only show their images. This coincides with a MinimumSize of ImageOnly for the Ribbon tools.

You can change the default minimum and maximum SizingMode of a ribbon tool. For this purpose, the RibbonGroup class exposes the two attached properties MaximumSize and MinimumSize. By setting these attached properties on a Ribbon tool, you can control the SizingMode of a tool to fit your needs.

The following example code demonstrates how to set the MaximumSize and MinimumSize RibbonGroup attached properties for a ButtonTool.


The images referenced in the XAML below are not provided in this topic. Replace the SmallImage and LargeImage with your own images.


        igRibbon:RibbonGroup.MinimumSize="ImageOnly" />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Windows.Ribbon
Dim btnTool As New ButtonTool()
btnTool.Caption = "Format"
btnTool.Id = "btnTool1"
btnTool.LargeImage = New BitmapImage(New Uri("pack://application:,,,/Large_Button.png"))
btnTool.SmallImage = New BitmapImage(New Uri("pack://application:,,,/Small_Button.png"))
RibbonGroup.SetMaximumSize(btnTool, RibbonToolSizingMode.ImageAndTextLarge)
RibbonGroup.SetMinimumSize(btnTool, RibbonToolSizingMode.ImageOnly)

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows.Ribbon;
ButtonTool btnTool = new ButtonTool();
btnTool.Caption = "Format";
btnTool.Id = "btnTool1";
btnTool.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Large_Button.png"));
btnTool.SmallImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Small_Button.png"));
RibbonGroup.SetMaximumSize(btnTool, RibbonToolSizingMode.ImageAndTextLarge);
RibbonGroup.SetMinimumSize(btnTool, RibbonToolSizingMode.ImageOnly);