bool split = this.xamRichTextEditor1.IsDocumentViewSplit;
This topic explains the xamRichTextEditor ™ control’s view splitting from a developer’s perspective.
The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:
This topic contains the following sections:
The following table explains briefly the configurable aspects of the xamRichTextEditor control and maps them to properties that configure them.
You can obtain the document view split state.
The code snippet below demonstrates how to obtain the document view split state:
In C#:
bool split = this.xamRichTextEditor1.IsDocumentViewSplit;
In Visual Basic:
Dim split As Boolean = Me.xamRichTextEditor1.IsDocumentViewSplit
You can set the document view split state. When you split the document the xamRichTextEditor will have two document views with equal initial height (you are not able to control the height programmatically, however the user may resize them). When you turn off document view split, the bottom view will remains.
The code snippet below demonstrates how to set the document view split state:
In C#:
this.xamRichTextEditor1.IsDocumentViewSplit = true;
In Visual Basic:
Me.xamRichTextEditor1.IsDocumentViewSplit = True
The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.