
About the Data Connector

Data Connectors are non-visual elements that provide the Data Manager with xamSchedule entity objects (e.g., Resources, ResourceCalendars and activities) based on information from a specified data source. Data Connectors also provide information to the xamScheduleDataManager about the capabilities and features that are supported.

The following Data Connectors are provided:

The List and WcfScheduleDataConnector classes support mapping of properties between data source objects and xamSchedule objects (e.g., Resources, Calendars and Activities) to allow binding to a wide range of data sources. This is described in " Mapping Fields in Your Backend Data Source” topic.

In addition, custom data connectors can be created to fulfill specific needs, as described in the “ Custom Connectors” topic.

The Data Connector also supports specifying time zone information, described in the " TimeZone Support in xamSchedule" topic.