The xamSyntaxEditor supports both internal (within the document) and external (between applications) text selection drag and drop.
Due to limitations in Silverlight, the xamSyntaxEditor does not support dragging to a drop target that is external to the control or dropped on from an external source.
Dragging selection
When moving the mouse over a text selection, the mouse cursor shows if the selection supports dragging. An arrow mouse pointer means that the selection supports dragging while an I-Beam mouse pointer means that the text selection does not support dragging.
This table shows the mouse cursors and their meaning:
Mouse Cursor
You cannot drag the selected text.
You can drag the selected text.
Dropping selection
When dragging a selection, the mouse pointer shows whether it is possible to drop the selection at the current mouse position. The default drag operation will move the text selection to the new place; however, if the user presses the CTRL key, a “+” sign appears in the mouse cursor indicating that the drag operation will copy the text selection leaving the current text selection intact.
This table shows the mouse cursors and their meaning:
Mouse Cursor
You cannot drop the selected text.
You can move the selected text selection here.
You can copy the text selection here.
Drag and Drop Configuration Summary
Drag and drop configuration summary chart
The following table lists the properties used to restrict dragging or dropping operations.