
Auto Adjust Labels


This topic outlines the Auto-Adjust feature of the labels and tick marks on the xamTimeline™ control when zooming in on a certain section of the data.

Required background

The table below lists the required background prerequisites for this topic.

Background type Content


You need to be familiar with the following concepts:

Define data for xamTimeline, or bind the control to your existing data with a DateTime type field

The AutoRange property must be set to true (true by default)


You need to first read the following topics:

The AutoRange setting as shown here is optional. It is true by default.


     <ig:DateTimeAxis AutoRange="True" />

Auto-Adjust Labels


The xamTimeLine control includes the capability to automatically adjust the labels and tick marks on the timeline based on the zoom level on the selected time segment of the data. For example:

  • When Timeline displays Year unit type:

After zooming the tick marks will display the Months.

  • When Timeline displays Month unit type:

After zooming the tick marks will display the Days.

  • When Timeline displays Day unit type:

After zooming the tick marks will display the Hours.


Following is a preview of the before and after zooming results:

Before zooming, the control shows the days of the month labels on the timeline:

xamTimeline Auto Adjust Labels 01.png

After zooming in on a few days the control Auto-Adjusts the labels to show hours:

xamTimeline Auto Adjust Labels 02.png


Auto-Adjust feature can be disabled by setting the AutoRange=False on the axis of the timeline control, which requires defining the Minimum, Maximum, and Unit properties with specific range. For example:


       AutoRange=" Minimum="2011/05/01" Maximum="2012/05/01" Unit="1" />

In C#:

DateTimeAxis dt_axis = new DateTimeAxis();
dt_axis.AutoRange = false;
dt_axis.Minimum = DateTime.Parse("2012/01/01");
dt_axis.Maximum = DateTime.Parse("2012/05/01");
dt_axis.Unit = 1;
this.xamTimeLine.Axis = dt_axis;

In Visual Basic:

Dim dt_axis As New DateTimeAxis()
dt_axis.AutoRange = False
dt_axis.Minimum = DateTime.Parse("2012/01/01")
dt_axis.Maximum = DateTime.Parse("2012/05/01")
dt_axis.Unit = 1
Me.xamTimeLine.Axis = dt_axis