
Format Point and Span Values

You can format the labels for point and span values to any text using the PointStringFormat and SpanStringFormat properties. The default display is the title of the event followed by the time in brackets [].


Curly braces ('{' and '}') in XAML are special characters for markup extensions. If the first value of a string needs to be a curly brace, an empty set of curly braces must be used as an escape sequence. This allows the text following the empty set of curly braces to be taken as a literal value.

This example assumes that you know how to setup your project for Infragistics XamTimeline control. The following xaml code shows you how to display custom text for a span and remove the brackets for point values.


        <Style x:Key="rscEventTitleFormatStyle" TargetType="ig:EventTitle">
            <Setter Property="PointStringFormat" Value="{}{0}" />
            <Setter Property="SpanStringFormat" Value="{}[Years {0} - {1}]" />
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
        <ig:XamTimeline x:Name="xamTimeline"
                             Width="1000" Height="400" Margin="25">
            <!-- Set Axis properties -->
                <ig:NumericTimeAxis Minimum="-3200" Maximum="2600"
                                      AutoRange=" Unit="400"
                                      ShowLabels="True" ShowThumb="True"
            <!-- Set Data in Timeline Series -->
                <!-- Historic Events -->
                <ig:NumericTimeSeries Title="Historic Empires" Fill="Red" Position="TopOrLeft"
                                        EventTitleStyle="{StaticResource rscEventTitleFormatStyle}" >
                    <!--TODO: Add Numeric Time Entries -->
                        <ig:NumericTimeEntry Time="-2575" Title="Pyramid"/>
                        <ig:NumericTimeEntry Time="250" Title="Mayan Empire"
                          Duration="650" Details="Duration 250 AD – 900 AD"/>
                        <ig:NumericTimeEntry Time="600" Title="Chichen Itza"/>
                        <ig:NumericTimeEntry Time="-2650" Title="Egypt Empire"
                          Duration="2000" Details="Duration 2650 BC – 650 BC"/>
                        <ig:NumericTimeEntry Time="1402" Title="Spanish Empire"
                          Duration="311" Details="Duration 1402 BC – 1713 BC"/>
XamTimeline Format Numeric Point And Span Values 01.png