
Binding xamTreeGrid to Data

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to bind the control to data and how to define its field layouts.

Required background

The following table lists the concept and topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Type Content


Data Presenter Family


Topic Purpose

This topic explains the concept of the Data Presenter Family of controls.

This topic provides an overview of the xamDataGrid control including a conceptual diagram of its comprising elements.

This topic explains how to define a custom set of fields displayed for the data entities.

Binding Specifics

Object hierarchy summary

For AutoGenerateField true, the xamTreeGrid will establish record hierarchy by looking at each data object and seach for properties implementing the IEnumerable interface to create the sub-records list. If a data object contains multiple properties implementing the IEnumarable interface all their child objects will be used to create one single list of child items.For AutoGenerateField False, you need to define a field whose name is specified as a property name that implements the IEnumerable interface to create a child list.


In case you have multiple IEnumerable properties which leads to multiple sets of child records and you are sorting this list each set of child records will be sorted independently.

Homogeneous data source

When your data source collection contains a single data type, the xamTreeGrid will create a field layout and use it for all records. This field layout will contains field definitions of all public properties of the data objects type.

If you want some of the data object’s public properties hidden you can do one of the followings:

  • Leave the AutoGenerateFields property to True, create a field layout and add field definitions for these properties with Name property set to their names and Visibility set to Collapse.

  • Set the AutoGenerateFields property to False, create a field layout and add field definitions only for the properties you want displayed.

For example if you have a collection of the following data type:

In C#:

public class FileSystemNode
  public int ID { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public int FileSize { get; set; }
  public bool IsFolder { get; set; }
  public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
  public DateTime DateModified { get; set; }

In Visual Basic:

Public Class FileSystemNode
        Public Property ID() As Integer
                        Return m_ID
                End Get
                        m_ID = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_ID As Integer
        Public Property Name() As String
                        Return m_Name
                End Get
                        m_Name = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_Name As String
        Public Property FileSize() As Integer
                        Return m_FileSize
                End Get
                        m_FileSize = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_FileSize As Integer
        Public Property IsFolder() As Boolean
                        Return m_IsFolder
                End Get
                        m_IsFolder = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_IsFolder As Boolean
        Public Property DateCreated() As DateTime
                        Return m_DateCreated
                End Get
                        m_DateCreated = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_DateCreated As DateTime
        Public Property DateModified() As DateTime
                        Return m_DateModified
                End Get
                        m_DateModified = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_DateModified As DateTime
End Class

You can hide the "ID", "IsFolder" and "DateCreated" public properties by either of the following ways:

Define fields only for the properties you want to hide, set their Visibility property to Collapesed and set AutoGenerateFields to True (or don’t specify it at all because true is its default value):


    <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="True" />
      <igDP:NumericField Name="ID" Visibility="Collapsed" />
      <igDP:CheckBoxField Name="IsFolder" Visibility="Collapsed" />
      <igDP:NumericField Name="FileSize" Visibility="Collapsed" />

Define fields only for the properties you want visible and set AutoGenerateFields to False:


    <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields=" />
      <igDP:TextField Name="Name" Label="Name" />
      <igDP:NumericField Name="FileSize" Label="Size" />
      <igDP:DateTimeField Name="DateModified" Label="Date" />

Heterogeneous data source

When your data source collection contains multiple data types, the xamTreeGrid will create field layouts for each type. These field layouts will contain field definitions of all public properties of the respective types. The first field layout created will also be the default one. You can change the default field layout by setting the IsDefault property on any field layout.


The default field layout is also used by the control to render the grid’s columns.

The non-default field layouts are used to map their type’s properties to the fields in the default field layout by matching the Name or Label properties.

Keep in mind the following rules when defining a non-default field layout:

  • For each property you want displayed, define a field which Name property matches exactly the name of the data object’s property.

  • Set the Label property of each field definition to match the Name or Label of a field from the default field layout to create the mapping.

  • If you think the field layout definitions may be ambiguous (for example you may have two different types but you are only mapping fields from them which exist in both types) you can set the type name as the field layout’s Key property.

For example if you have the following type definitions:

In C#:

public class SystemNodeBase
  public int ID { get; set; }
  public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
  public DateTime DateModified { get; set; }
public class FileNode : SystemNodeBase
  public string FileName { get; set; }
  public long FileSize { get; set; }
public class FolderNode : SystemNodeBase
  public string FolderName { get; set; }
  private List<object> _children;
  public List<object> Children
    get { return this._children; }
    set { this._children = value; }

In Visual Basic:

Public Class SystemNodeBase
        Public Property ID() As Integer
                        Return m_ID
                End Get
                        m_ID = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_ID As Integer
        Public Property DateCreated() As DateTime
                        Return m_DateCreated
                End Get
                        m_DateCreated = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_DateCreated As DateTime
        Public Property DateModified() As DateTime
                        Return m_DateModified
                End Get
                        m_DateModified = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_DateModified As DateTime
End Class
Public Class FileNode
        Inherits SystemNodeBase
        Public Property FileName() As String
                        Return m_FileName
                End Get
                        m_FileName = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_FileName As String
        Public Property FileSize() As Long
                        Return m_FileSize
                End Get
                        m_FileSize = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_FileSize As Long
End Class
Public Class FolderNode
        Inherits SystemNodeBase
        Public Property FolderName() As String
                        Return m_FolderName
                End Get
                        m_FolderName = Value
                End Set
        End Property
        Private m_FolderName As String
        Private _children As List(Of Object)
        Public Property Children() As List(Of Object)
                        Return Me._children
                End Get
                        Me._children = Value
                End Set
        End Property
End Class

You can have the following default field layout definition for the FolderNode type:


<igDP:FieldLayout Key="FolderNode" IsDefault="True">
  <igDP:TextField Name="FolderName" Label="Name" />
  <igDP:TemplateField BindingType="Unbound" Label="Size" DataType="{x:Type sys:String}">
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" Text="&lt;DIR&gt;" />
  <igDP:DateTimeField Name="DateModified" Label="Date" />
  <igDP:Field Name="Children" />

And the field layout definition for the FileNode type:


<igDP:FieldLayout Key="FileNode">
  <igDP:TextField Name="FileName" Label="Name" />
  <igDP:NumericField Name="FileSize" Label="Size" />
  <igDP:DateTimeField Name="DateModified" Label="Date" />

Related Topics

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides detailed instructions to help you get up and running as soon as possible with the control.

This is a set of topics describing how to configure the control.

This is a set of topics describing how to style some key elements of the control.