
Bind xamTreemap to ADO.NET Entity Data Model

What You Will Accomplish

In this article you will learn how to bind the xamTreemap™ control to an ADO.NET Entity Data Model .

Follow These Steps

  1. Create a new Windows Presentation Foundation Application in Visual Studio 2010 named WpfTreemapDemo.

xamTreemap WPF Bind xamTreeMap to ADO.NET Entity Data Model 01.png
  1. Add the following NuGet package to your application:

    • Infragistics.WPF.Treemap

    For more information on setting up the NuGet feed and adding NuGet packages, you can take a look at the following documentation: NuGet Feeds.

  1. Right-click on your project and select Add > New Item .

  2. Create a new ADO.NET Entity Data Model named TreemapModel.

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xamTreemap WPF Bind xamTreeMap to ADO.NET Entity Data Model 03.png
  1. Choose your database. For this sample we are going to connect to a sample database – AdventureWorks2008.

xamTreemap WPF Bind xamTreeMap to ADO.NET Entity Data Model 04.png
  1. Select the tables you need. For this sample we are going to work with ProductCategory, ProductSubcategory and Product.

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xamTreemap WPF Bind xamTreeMap to ADO.NET Entity Data Model 06.png

These tables linked together will produce a hierarchical data source which we will pass to the xamTreemap control. Visual Studio automatically creates navigation properties from which we will use:

  • ProductCategory.ProductSubcategories

  • ProductSubcategory.Products

  1. Edit MainWindow.xaml:


<Window x:Class="WpfTreemapDemo.MainWindow"
        <!--The data source for the xamTreemap control-->
        <CollectionViewSource x:Key="ProductCategoriesViewSource" />
    <Grid DataContext="{StaticResource ProductCategoriesViewSource}">
        <ig:XamTreemap x:Name="Treemap"
                <!--Binder for the ProductCategory items-->
                <ig:NodeBinder TextPath="Name"
                               ItemsSourcePath="ProductSubcategories" />
                <!--Binder for the ProductSubcategory items-->
                <ig:NodeBinder TextPath="Name"
                               ItemsSourcePath="Products" />
                <!--Binder for the Product items-->
                <ig:NodeBinder TextPath="Name"
                               TargetTypeName="Product" />
  1. In the code-behind file for MainWindow.xaml add:

In Visual Basic:

Imports System.Data.Objects
Class MainWindow
    Private Sub Window_Loaded _
        (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs)
        Dim adventureWorks2008Entities As New AdventureWorks2008Entities()
        'Get an instance of the CollectionViewSource resource from MainWindow.xaml
        Dim productCategoriesViewSource As CollectionViewSource =
            DirectCast(Me.FindResource("ProductCategoriesViewSource"), CollectionViewSource)
        'Create a new query for the ProductCategory items
        Dim productCategoriesQuery As ObjectQuery(Of WpfTreemapDemo.ProductCategory) =
        'Execute the query
        productCategoriesViewSource.Source =
    End Sub
End Class

In C#:

using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace WpfTreemapDemo
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
        void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AdventureWorks2008Entities adventureWorks2008Entities
                = new AdventureWorks2008Entities();
            //Get an instance of the CollectionViewSource resource from MainWindow.xaml
            CollectionViewSource productCategoriesViewSource =
            //Create a new query for the ProductCategory items
            ObjectQuery<WpfTreemapDemo.ProductCategory> productCategoriesQuery =
            //Execute the query
            productCategoriesViewSource.Source =
  1. Execute your application.

xamTreemap WPF Bind xamTreeMap to ADO.NET Entity Data Model 07.png