
Binding Shapefiles

Before You Begin

The xamMap™ control displays information derived from Shapefiles. For example, if a Shapefile contains information for a map of the United States, xamMap displays this map. For more information on the Shapefile format and its composition, see Understanding xamMap.

What You will Accomplish

You will set up the xamMap control to display a map of the United States.

Follow these Steps

  1. Create a Microsoft® WPF® project.

  2. Add the following NuGet package reference to your project:

    • Infragistics.WPF.Controls.Maps.XamMap

    For more information on setting up the NuGet feed and adding NuGet packages, you can take a look at the following documentation: NuGet Feeds.

  1. Add the following namespaces declaration for the xamMap control.



In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Controls.Maps
Imports Infragistics

In C#:

using Infragistics.Controls.Maps;
using Infragistics;
WPF DV XamMap Displaying XamMap Using Shapefiles 01.png
Figure 1. Add the Shapefiles you intend to use to your project in a subfolder called "Shapefiles". The xamMap control’s ShapeFileReader can open a Shapefiles regardless of its location on the Hard Drive - this is achieved using an absolute path (for example "C:\Data\YourShapefileName"). The Shapefiles can also be included in your project

In this case you can specify the file via a relative path - from the image it would be "/../../ShapeFiles/usa_st", because the executable file will be located in the "ProjectPath\bin\Debug\" folder.

  1. Add the xamMap control to your project.


<igMap:XamMap x:Name="xamMap">
   <!-- TODO: Add Map Layer -->

In Visual Basic:

Dim xamMap As New xamMap()

In C#:

XamMap xamMap = new xamMap();
  1. Create a MapLayer object to display the information from the Shapefiles.


   <igMap:MapLayer x:Name="statesLayer">
      <!-- TODO: Read in Shapefile -->

In Visual Basic:

Dim statesLayer As New MapLayer()

In C#:

MapLayer statesLayer = new MapLayer();
  1. Create a ShapeFileReader object to read information from the Shapefiles and perform the desired data mappings.


   <igMap:ShapeFileReader Uri="/../../Shapefiles/usa_st"
DataMapping="Caption=STATE_ABBR" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim reader As New ShapeFileReader()
reader.Uri = "Shapefiles/usa_st/../../ShapeFiles/usa_st"
Dim converter As New DataMapping.Converter()
reader.DataMapping = TryCast(converter.ConvertFromString("Caption=STATE_ABBR"), DataMapping)
statesLayer.Reader = reader

In C#:

ShapeFileReader reader = new ShapeFileReader();
reader.Uri = "Shapefiles/usa_st/../../ShapeFiles/usa_st";
DataMapping.Converter converter = new DataMapping.Converter();
reader.DataMapping = converter.ConvertFromString("Caption=STATE_ABBR") as
statesLayer.Reader = reader;
  1. Run the application. The xamMap control displays a map of the United States using the Shapefiles data.

SL DV XamMap Displaying XamMap Using Shapefiles 02.png