
Infragistics.Controls.Grid.ExportData Namespace

ClassCellModelExport Represents data about the grid cells for testing purposes.
ClassDateTimeCellModelExport Information exported about a DateTime grid cell.
ClassGridLayerExport Exported information about the DataGrid
ClassImageCellModelExport Exported information about an image cell.
ClassNumericCellModelExport Exported information about a numeric grid cell.
ClassRowSeparatorModelExport Exports information about the row separator
ClassSectionHeaderCellModelExport Exported information about a section header cell.
ClassSummaryCellModelExport Exported information about a summary cell.
ClassTemplateCellModelExport Exported information about a template cell.
ClassTemplateHeaderCellModelExport Exported information about a template header.
ClassTextCellModelExport Exported information about a text grid cell.
ClassTextHeaderCellModelExport Exported information about a text header grid cell.
ClassVisualModelExport Exports information about the visual model of the grid.
EnumerationCellContentHorizontalAlignment Indicates the desired horizontal alignment of the cell content.
EnumerationCellContentVerticalAlignment Indicates the desired vertical alignment of the cell content.
EnumerationColumnSortDirection Indicates the direction a column should be sorted in.
See Also