
ICellActionManager Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ICellActionManager.

Public Properties
 PropertyIsClickActionDesiredGets if the click action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsControlPressedGets or sets if the Control key is pressed.  
 PropertyIsDragGets if a drag operation is currently underway.  
 PropertyIsHoverActionDesiredGets if the hover action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsLeaveActionDesiredGets if the mouse leave action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsMouseDownGets if the mouse is currently down.  
 PropertyIsPointerDownActionDesiredGets if the pointer down action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsPointerUpActionDesiredGets if the pointer up action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsPreviewPointerDownActionDesiredGets if the preview pointer down action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsPreviewPointerUpActionDesiredGets if the preview pointer up action is desired to be reported.  
 PropertyIsShiftPressedGets or sets if the Shift key is pressed.  
 PropertyMousePositionGets the current down mouse position.  
Public Methods
 MethodClickCellNotifies the grid that a cell has been clicked.  
 MethodClickExpansionIndicatorNotifies the grid that an expansion indicator has been clicked.  
 MethodColumnFilterChangedProvides a new column filter condition to associate with the cell's column.  
 MethodColumnFilterChangingProvides a new intermediate column filter condition to associate with the cell's column.  
 MethodDragStartedNotifies the grid that a cell has started a drag.  
 MethodGetColumnFilterConditionGet's the column filter condition associated with the cell's column.  
 MethodGetColumnPropertyTypeGet's the property type associated the cell's column.  
 MethodIsCellDownGets if the mouse is down on the current cell.  
 MethodMouseDownCellNotifies the grid when the mouse is down providing the position.  
 MethodMouseIsOverNotifies the grid which cell the mouse is over.  
 MethodMouseLeaveCellNotifies the grid when the mouse has left the cell.  
 MethodMouseUpCellNotifies the grid when the mouse is raised providing the position.  
 MethodPointerDownCellNotifies the grid that a pointer is down on a cell.  
 MethodPointerUpCellNotifies the grid that a pointer is up on a cell.  
 MethodPreviewPointerDownCellNotifies the grid that a pointer is pressing on the cell.  
 MethodPreviewPointerUpCellNotifies the grid that a pointer is releasing on a cell.  
See Also