
DataSeriesIntent Enumeration

Identifies various intents for the sub properties of the data being bound to a data series.
public enum DataSeriesIntent : System.Enum 
AxisDateValueIdentifies an axis date value to use for a series.
AxisLabelValueIdentifies an axis label value to use for a series.
CloseSeriesValueIdentifies a close value to use for a financial series or range series.
DontPlotIdentifies that a value should be ignored when considering values for a series.
GenerationInputIdentifes a value that has been used to generate other data to bind against.
HighSeriesValueIdentifies a high value to use for a financial series or range series.
LowSeriesValueIdentifies a low value to use for a financial series or range series.
OpenSeriesValueIdentifies an open value to use for a financial series.
PrimarySeriesValueIdentifies the primary values to use for a series.
SalesFixedCostIdentifies a sales fixed cost to use for a break-even series
SalesMarginalProfitIdentifies a sales marginal profit to use for a break-even series
SalesRevenueIdentifies a sales revenue to use for a break-even series
SalesTotalCostIdentifies a sales total cost to use for a break-even series
SalesUnitIdentifies a sales units value to use for a break-even series
SalesVariableCostIdentifies a sales variable cost to use for a break-even series
SeriesAngleIdentifies the angle values to use for a polar or radial series.
SeriesFillIdentifies the fill scale values to use for a bubble series or scatter area series.
SeriesGroupIdentifies a grouping identifier to use for a series.
SeriesLabelIdentifies the legend label values to use for a bubble series in item-wize legends.
SeriesRadiusIdentifies the radius values to use for a bubble, polar, or radial series.
SeriesShapeIdentifies the shape values to use for a scatter polyline or polygon series.
SeriesTitleIdentifies a title to use for a series.
SeriesValueIdentifies the item-wize values to use for a series.
SeriesXIdentifies the x axis values to use for a scatter series.
SeriesYIdentifies the y axis values to use for a scatter series.
VolumeSeriesValueIdentifies a volume value to use for a financial series or range series.

Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also