
FilterExpressionFunctionType Enumeration

Indentifies the function type for a filter function expression.
public enum FilterExpressionFunctionType : System.Enum 
CastGets a value cast to a specific type.
CeilingCeilings a numeric value.
ConcatConcatenates strings together.
ContainsDetermines if a string contains another.
DateGets the date from a date/time.
DayGets the day from a date/time.
EndsWithDetermines if a string ends with another.
FloorFloors a numeric value.
HourGets the hour from a date/time.
IndexOfGets the index of a string within another.
IsOfGets whether the value matches a certain type.
LengthGets the length of a string.
MinuteGets the minute from a date/time.
MonthGets the month from a date/time.
NowGets the current date/time.
ReplaceReplaces instances of a string within another with a separate string.
RoundRounds a numeric value.
SecondGets teh second from a date/time.
StartsWithDetermines if a string starts with another.
SubstringGets the substring of a string based on start index and optionally length.
TimeGets the time from a date/time.
ToLowerGets the lowercase representation of a string.
ToUpperGets the uppercase representation of a string.
TrimTrims the starting and ending whitespace from a string.
YearGets the year from a date/time.

Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also