
FilterExpressionOperatorType Enumeration

Identifies the operator type of an operator filter expression.
public enum FilterExpressionOperatorType : System.Enum 
AddAdds two expressions.
AndApplies the And operator to two expressions.
DivideDivides one expression by another.
EqualDetermines if two expressions are equal.
GreaterThanDetermines if an expression is greater than another.
GreaterThanOrEqualDetermines if an expression is greater than or equal to another.
GroupingGroups an expression.
LessThanDetermines if an expression is less than another.
LessThanOrEqualDetermines if an expression is less than or equal to another.
ModuloPerforms the modulus of one expression by another.
MultiplyMultiplies two expressions.
NoneNo operator type specified.
NotApplies the Not operator to a single expression.
NotEqualDetermines if two expressions are not equal.
OrApplies the Or operator to two expressions.
SubtractSubtracts one expression from another.

Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also