
FilterExpression Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FilterExpression.

Public Properties
Public PropertyIsAutoGenerated  
Public PropertyIsFunctionGets whether the expression is a function.  
Public PropertyIsLiteralGets whether the expression is a literal.  
Public PropertyIsNullGets whether the expresssion is null.  
Public PropertyIsOperationGets whether the expression is an operation.  
Public PropertyIsPropertyReferenceGets whether the expression is a property reference.  
Public PropertyPrecedence  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Add expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodAndReturns an expression that is an And expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodCastOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Cast expression of the current expression and propertyType.  
Public MethodCeilingReturns an expression that is an Ceiling expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodConcatOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Concat expression of the current expression and toAppend.  
Public MethodContainsOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Contains expression of the current expression and subString.  
Public MethodDateReturns an expression that is an Date expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodDayReturns an expression that is an Day expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodDivideOverloaded. Returns an expression that is a Divide expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodDividedByOverloaded. Returns an expression that is a Divide expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodEndsWithOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an EndsWith expression of the current expression and subString.  
Public MethodEvaluateEvaluates the expression for the provided item, given a data provider and schema.  
Public MethodFloorReturns an expression that is a Floor expression of the current expression.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FunctionCreates an function filter expression.  
Public MethodGroupReturns an expression that is a group expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodHourReturns an expression that is an Hour expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodIndexOfOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IndexOf expression of the current expression and toFind.  
Public MethodIsEqualToOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsEqualTo expression of the current expression and right.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsFilterExpression  
Public MethodIsGreaterThanOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsGreaterThan expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodIsGreaterThanOrEqualToOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodIsLessThanOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsLessThan expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodIsLessThanOrEqualToOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsLessThanOrEqualTo expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodIsNotEqualToOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsNotEqualTo expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodIsOfOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an IsOf expression of the current expression and propertyType.  
Public MethodLengthReturns an expression that is an Length expression of the current expression.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LiteralBuilds a literal value expression for the provided value.  
Public MethodMarkAutoGenerated  
Public MethodMatchDetermines if an item matches the filter expression given a data provider and schema.  
Public MethodMinusOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Subtract expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodMinuteReturns an expression that is an Minute expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodModuloOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Modulus expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodMonthReturns an expression that is an Month expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodMultiplyOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Multiply expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodNotReturns an expression that is a Not expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodNowReturns an expression that is an Now expression.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)NullLiteralBuilds a null literal expression.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)OperationOverloaded. Creates an operator filter expression.  
Public MethodOrReturns an expression that is an Or expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodPlusOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Add expression of the current expression and right.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PropertyBuilds a property access expression for the provided property.  
Public MethodReplaceOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Replace expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodRoundReturns an expression that is an Round expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodSecondReturns an expression that is an Second expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodStartsWithOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an StartsWith expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodSubstringOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Substring expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodSubtractOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Subtract expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodTimeReturns an expression that is an Time expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodTimesOverloaded. Returns an expression that is an Multiply expression of the current expression and right.  
Public MethodToLowerReturns an expression that is an ToLower expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodToUpperReturns an expression that is an ToUpper expression of the current expression.  
Public MethodTrimReturns an expression that is an Trim expression of the current expression.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnquotedLiteralBuilds a literal value expression for the provided value which should be left unquoted.  
Public MethodYearReturns an expression that is an Year expression of the current expression.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodResolveHasBooleanReturnOverride to indicate whether the current expression has a boolean return type at present.  
Protected MethodUpdateBooleanReturnKeeps track as to whether there is a boolean return type to this expression.  
See Also