
Workbook Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Workbook.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWorkbook ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldMaxExcel2007CellFormatCountMaximum number of distinct cell formats in the workbook allowed by the Excel 2007 file format.  
Public FieldMaxExcel2007ColumnCountMaximum number of columns in the worksheet allowed by the Excel 2007 file format.  
Public FieldMaxExcel2007RowCountMaximum number of rows in the worksheet allowed by the Excel 2007 file format.  
Public FieldMaxExcelCellFormatCountMaximum number of distinct cell formats in the workbook allowed by the Excel 97-2003 file format.  
Public FieldMaxExcelColumnCountMaximum number of columns in the worksheet allowed by the Excel 97-2003 file format.  
Public FieldMaxExcelRowCountMaximum number of rows in the worksheet allowed by the Excel 97-2003 file format.  
Public FieldMaxExcelWorkbookFontsMaximum number fonts in a workbook allowed by Excel.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCalculationModeGets or sets the value which indicates how a formula will be recalculated when a referenced value changes.  
Public PropertyCellReferenceModeGets or sets the value which indicates the way cells in the workbook are referenced.  
Public PropertyCultureGets or sets the culture to use as the current culture for the workbook when doing any culture-aware conversions or comparisons.  
Public PropertyCurrentFormatGets the current format of the workbook. This is the format which will be used when saving and imposing format restrictions.  
Public PropertyCustomTableStylesGets the collection of custom table styles in the workbook.  
Public PropertyCustomViewsGets the collection of custom views for the workbook.  
Public PropertyDateSystemGets or sets the date system used internally by Microsoft Excel.  
Public PropertyDefaultTableStyleGets or sets the default style for tables in the workbook.  
Public PropertyDocumentPropertiesGets the properties associated with the workbook document.  
Public PropertyEditingCultureThe editing culture affects certain language specific features such as formatting of dates. or comparisons.  
Public PropertyHasProtectionPasswordReturns a boolean indicating if the Workbook has been protected with a password.  
Public PropertyIsProtectedReturns a boolean indicating if the Workbook has been protected.  
Public PropertyIterativeCalculationsEnabledGets or sets the value which indicates whether iterations are allowed while calculating formulas containing circular references.  
Public PropertyMaxChangeInIterationGets or sets the maximum change of the values in a formula between iterations which will exit from iteration.  
Public PropertyMaxColumnCountGets the maximum number of columns allowed in each worksheet based on the CurrentFormat.  
Public PropertyMaxRecursionIterationsGets or sets the maximum number of times formulas should be iteratively calculated.  
Public PropertyMaxRowCountGets the maximum number of rows allowed in each worksheet based on the CurrentFormat.  
Public PropertyNamedReferencesGets the collection of named references in the workbook.  
Public PropertyPaletteGets the color palette used when the saved file is opened in Microsoft Excel 2003 and earlier versions.  
Public PropertyPrecisionGets or sets the precision to use when obtaining a cell's value.  
Public PropertyProtectedGets or sets the value which indicates whether the workbook is protected.  
Public PropertyProtectionReturns an object that provides information used when the Workbook has been protected.  
Public PropertyRecalculateBeforeSaveGets or sets the value which indicates whether the workbook should recalculate all formulas before saving.  
Public PropertySaveExternalLinkedValuesGets or sets the value which indicates whether to save values linked from external workbooks.  
Public PropertyScreenDpiGets or sets the Dpi to use when calculating row and column sizes for the workbook. If empty, the system Dpi will be used.  
Public PropertySheetsGets the collection of sheets in the workbook.  
Public PropertyShouldRemoveCarriageReturnsOnSaveGets or sets the value which indicates whether carriage return characters should be removed from string values in cells when the workbook is saved to an Excel file.  
Public PropertyStandardTableStylesGets the read-only collection of preset table styles in the workbook.  
Public PropertyStylesGets the collection of custom styles in the workbook.  
Public PropertyValidateFormatStringsGets or sets the value indicating whether the format strings should be validated when they are set.  
Public PropertyWindowOptionsGets the options which control various workbook level display properties.  
Public PropertyWorksheetsGets the collection of worksheets in the workbook.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCharacterWidth256thsToPixelsConverts units of 1/256s of the average character width to pixels.  
Public MethodClearConnectionDataClears all external data connections from the Workbook.  
Public MethodClearPivotTableDataClears all pivot tables and associated slicers from the Workbook.  
Public MethodClearVbaDataClears all vba information from the Workbook.  
Public MethodCreateNewWorkbookFontFactory method which creates new workbook font.  
Public MethodCreateNewWorksheetCellFormatCreates new worksheet cell format.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetMaxColumnCountReturns the number of columns that are supported by the specified format.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetMaxRowCountReturns the number of rows that are supported by the specified format.  
Public MethodGetTableGets the table with the specified name.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetWorkbookFormatReturns the WorkbookFormat based on the file extension of the specified file.  
Public MethodIsValidFunctionNameGets a value indicating whether the specified function will be recognized and solved by Microsoft Excel when the workbook is saved out.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsWorkbookEncryptedDetermines whether the workbook in the specified stream is encrypted with an open password.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LoadReads a workbook from a stream.  
Public MethodPixelsToCharacterWidth256thsConverts pixels to units of 1/256s of the average character width.  
Public MethodProtectProtects the Workbook without a password.  
Public MethodRecalculateOverloaded. Recalculates all dirty formulas pending a calculation on the workbook.  
Public MethodRegisterUserDefinedFunctionRegisters a single Infragistics.Documents.Excel.CalcEngine.ExcelCalcFunction instance.  
Public MethodRegisterUserDefinedFunctionLibraryRegisters an assembly containing Infragistics.Documents.Excel.CalcEngine.ExcelCalcFunction derived types.  
Public MethodResumeCalculationsResumes the calculation of formulas.  
Public MethodSaveOverloaded. Writes the workbook to a stream.  
Public MethodSetCurrentFormatSets the current format of the workbook.  
Public MethodSuspendCalculationsTemporarily suspends the calculation of formulas.  
Public MethodUnprotectRemoves the Workbook protection.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs after a property value has changed  
See Also