
ScheduleListDataSource Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ScheduleListDataSource.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorScheduleListDataSource ConstructorCreates a new instance.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAppointmentItemsSourceReturns or sets the list of data objects from which appointments are created.  
Public PropertyAppointmentPropertyMappingsReturns a collection which enables the developer to map an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment property to a property of the underlying data object which has a different name.  
Public PropertyCreateAppointmentDataObjectCallbackReturns or sets a delegate which is called to create a data object for a newly created Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment.  
Public PropertyHandleAppointmentItemsPropertyChangedDetermines whether the INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event is handled for Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointmentdata objects.  
Public PropertyResourceItemsSourceReturns or sets the list of data objects from which appointments are created.  
Public PropertyResourcePropertyMappingsReturns a collection which enables the developer to map a Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource property to a property of the underlying data object which has a different name.  
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyIsAppointmentDataReadyOverridden. Returns false in the case where an appointment item source has been assigned and the initialization process is currently underway.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBeginEditOverloaded. Overridden. Begins an edit mode session on the the specified appointment.  
Public MethodCancelEditOverridden. Reverses changes made to an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment during an edit mode session begun with the BeginEdit(Appointment,Action<DataError>) method.  
Public MethodCreateAppointmentOverloaded. Overridden. Creates a new Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment.  
Public MethodDeleteAppointmentOverridden. Deletes the specified Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment.  
Public MethodEndEditOverridden. Commits or discards changes made to an activity during an edit mode session.  
Public MethodGetAppointmentsInRangeOverloaded. Overridden. Returns an enumerable list of objects representing all appointments which lie within the specified range, optionally filtering by one or more resources.  
Public MethodGetResourcesOverridden. Returns an enumerable list of all resources associated with this data source.  
Public MethodHasAppointmentsInRangeOverridden. Returns a value indicating whether there is appointment activity for the given range, filtering on the specified resourceIds. Also returns an array of dates containing the days with activity.  
Public MethodRaisePropertyChangedNotifies the data source of a change to a property value of the specified dataObject.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodBumpResourcesVersionMarks the resources cache dirty. (Inherited from Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource)
Protected Internal MethodCreateVarianceOverridden. Creates a variance, i.e., a modified occurrence of a recurrence.  
Protected Internal MethodDestroyOverridden. Releases any memory previously used by this class.  
Protected Internal MethodInternalNotifyPropertyChangingOverridden. Called before an internal property change notification is handled, giving the data source an opportunity to suppress the notification.  
Protected Internal MethodOnAppointmentPropertyChangedOverridden. Raises the AppointmentPropertyChanged event. This is our pseudo-handler for PropertyChanged - we don't actually listen to our own appointment's PropertyChanged event, we manually push the notification to this method.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedRaises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource)
Protected Internal MethodOnResourcePropertyChangedRaises the ResourcePropertyChanged event. (Inherited from Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource)
Public Events
Public EventDataErrorOccurs when an error was encountered during a data access operation. (Inherited from Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource)
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when the value of a property of this object changes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource)
See Also