
AxisAnnotation Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisAnnotation.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAxisAnnotation ConstructorInitializes a new AxisAnnotation.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackgroundGets or sets the background to use for tha axis annotation box.  
Public PropertyBackgroundPaddingBottomGets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins.  
Public PropertyBackgroundPaddingLeftGets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins.  
Public PropertyBackgroundPaddingRightGets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins.  
Public PropertyBackgroundPaddingTopGets or sets the padding to use withing the axis annotation callout. Leaving this NaN will use an automatic value related to the axis label margins.  
Public PropertyOutlineGets or sets the Outline to use for tha axis annotation box.  
Public PropertyStrokeThicknessGets or sets the border stroke thickness to use for tha axis annotation box.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text that should be displayed for the annotation. Leave null to display the value automatically.  
Public PropertyTextColorGets or sets the color to use for the text in the annotation.  
Public PropertyValueGets or sets the value at which this annotation is displayed on the axis.  
Public Methods
Public MethodResetCachedExtent  
Public MethodResolveLabelValue  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnFormatLabelUsed to invoke the FormatLabel event.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public Events
Public EventFormatLabel  
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
See Also