
RadialGaugeView Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RadialGaugeView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRadialGaugeView ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldBackingCornerRadiusDefaultValueDefault backing corner radius  
Public FieldBackingInnerExtentDefaultValueDefault value for backing inner extent  
Public FieldBackingOuterExtentDefaultValueDefault value for backing outer extent  
Public FieldLabelExtentDefaultValueDefault value for label extent  
Public FieldMaximumValueDefaultValueDefault maximum value of the scale  
Public FieldMinimumValueDefaultValueDefault minimum value of the scale  
Public FieldMinorTickEndExtentDefaultValueDefault value fror the minor tick end extent  
Public FieldMinorTickStartExtentDefaultValueDefault value for minor tick start extent  
Public FieldScaleEndExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the scale end extent  
Public FieldScaleStartExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the scale start extent  
Public FieldTickEndExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the tick end extent  
Public FieldTickStartExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the tick start extent  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccessibilityLiveRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAccessibilityNodeProvider (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyActivated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyActualMaximumValueGets the resolved maximum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyActualMinimumValueGets the resolved minimum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyActualPixelScalingRatioGets the actual pixel scaling ratio used to affect the pixel density of the control.  
Public PropertyAlpha (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAnimatingGets a value indicating whether the radial gauge is currently animating.  
Public PropertyAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyApplicationWindowToken (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBackground (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBackingBrushGets or sets the brush to use to fill the backing of the gauge.  
Public PropertyBackingCornerRadiusGets or sets the corner rounding radius to use for the fitted scale backings.  
Public PropertyBackingInnerExtentGets or sets the inner extent of the gauge backing.  
Public PropertyBackingOuterExtentGets or sets the outer extent of the gauge backing.  
Public PropertyBackingOutlineGets or sets the brush to use for the outline of the backing.  
Public PropertyBackingOversweepGets or sets the over sweep angle to apply to the backing if it is displaying fitted (in degrees). Must be greater or equal to 0.  
Public PropertyBackingShapeGets or sets the type of shape to use for the backing of the gauge.  
Public PropertyBackingStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness of the backing outline.  
Public PropertyBaseline (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyCameraDistance (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyCenterXGets or sets the x position of the center of the gauge with the value ranging from 0 to 1.  
Public PropertyCenterYGets or sets the y position of the center of the gauge with the value ranging from 0 to 1.  
Public PropertyClass (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public PropertyClickable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyClipBounds (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContentDescription (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContentDescriptionFormatted (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContext (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDisplay (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheBackgroundColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheQuality (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingTime (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDuplicateLabelOmissionStrategyGets or sets the strategy to use for omitting labels if the first and last label have the same value.  
Public PropertyDuplicateParentStateEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFilterTouchesWhenObscured (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusableInTouchMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFontBrushGets or sets the brush to use for the label font.  
Public PropertyFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertyFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertyFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertyHandle (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public PropertyHandler (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHapticFeedbackEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasFocusable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasOnClickListeners (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasOverlappingRendering (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasTransientState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasWindowFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHovered (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyImportantForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIntervalGets or sets the interval to use for the scale.  
Public PropertyIsAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsDirty (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsFocused (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsHardwareAccelerated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInEditMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInTouchMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLaidOut (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLayoutDirectionResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLayoutRequested (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsNeedleDraggingConstrainedGets or sets whether the needle is constrained within the minimum and maximum value range during dragging.  
Public PropertyIsNeedleDraggingEnabledGets or sets whether needle dragging is enabled or not.  
Public PropertyIsOpaque (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsPaddingRelative (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsScrollContainer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsShown (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsTextAlignmentResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsTextDirectionResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyKeepScreenOn (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyKeyDispatcherState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLabelExtentGets or sets the position at which to put the labels as a value from 0 to 1, measured form the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyLabelFor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLabelIntervalGets or sets the interval to use for rendering labels. This defaults to be the same interval as the tickmarks on the scale.  
Public PropertyLayerType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutParameters (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLeft (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLongClickable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMatrix (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMaximumValueGets or sets the maximum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyMeasuredHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredHeightAndState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredWidthAndState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinimumValueGets or sets the minimum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinorTickBrushGets or sets the brush to use for the minor tickmarks.  
Public PropertyMinorTickCountGets or sets the number of minor tickmarks to place between major tickmarks.  
Public PropertyMinorTickEndExtentGets or sets the position at which to stop rendering the minor tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyMinorTickStartExtentGets or sets the position at which to start rendering the minor tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyMinorTickStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness to use when rendering minor ticks.  
Public PropertyNeedleBaseFeatureExtentGets or sets the extent of the feature which is closest to the base (e.g. a bulb) with a value from -1 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property, namely: NeedleWithBulb, RectangleWithBulb, TrapezoidWithBulb, and TriangleWithBulb. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleBaseFeatureWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its feature which is closest to the base (e.g. a bulb) with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property, namely: NeedleWithBulb, RectangleWithBulb, TrapezoidWithBulb, and TriangleWithBulb. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleBrushGets or sets the brush to use when rendering the fill of the needle.  
Public PropertyNeedleEndExtentGets or sets the extent (from -1 to 1) at which to end rendering the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleEndWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its point using a value from (0 to 1). Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleOutlineGets or sets the brush to use when rendering the outline of the needle.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotBrushGets or sets the brush to use for filling the needle cap. Note: this only applies to certain cap shapes.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotInnerWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the inner cutout section of the needle cap with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Will only take effect if you have a cap set on the needle that has a cutout section.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotOutlineGets or sets the brush to use for the outlines of the needle cap.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotShapeGets or sets the shape to use for the needle cap.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness to use for the outline of the needle cap.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the cap of the needle with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Will only take effect if you have a cap set on the needle. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedlePointFeatureExtentGets or sets the extent of the feature which is closest to the point (e.g. the tapering point of a needle) with a value from -1 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedlePointFeatureWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its feature which is closest to the point (e.g. the tapering point of a needle) with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleShapeGets or sets the shape to use when rendering the needle from a number of options.  
Public PropertyNeedleStartExtentGets or sets the extent (from -1 to 1) at which to start rendering the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleStartWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its point using a value from (0 to 1). Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness of the needle outline.  
Public PropertyNextFocusDownId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusForwardId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusLeftId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusRightId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusUpId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOnFocusChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOverlay (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOverScrollMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingLeft (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingStart (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingTop (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyParent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyParentForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPivotX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPivotY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPixelScalingRatioGets or sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control.  
Public PropertyPressed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRadiusMultiplierGets or sets the multiplying factor to apply to the normal radius of the gauge. The radius of the gauge is defined by the minimum of the width and height of the control divided by 2.0. This introduces a multiplicative factor to that value.  
Public PropertyRangeBrushesGets or sets a collection of brushes to be used as the palette for gauge ranges.  
Public PropertyRangeOutlinesGets or sets a collection of brushes to be used as the palette for gauge outlines.  
Public PropertyRangesGets or sets the ranges to render on the gauge.  
Public PropertyResources (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRootView (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotationX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotationY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySaveEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySaveFromParentEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScaleBrushGets or sets the brush to use to fill the background of the scale.  
Public PropertyScaleEndAngleGets or sets the end angle for the scale in degrees.  
Public PropertyScaleEndExtentGets or sets the position at which to stop rendering the scale as a value from 0 to 1 measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyScaleOversweepGets or sets the extra degrees of sweep to apply to the scale background. Must be greater or equal to 0.  
Public PropertyScaleOversweepShapeGets or sets the oversweep shape to use for the excess fill area for the scale.  
Public PropertyScaleStartAngleGets or sets the start angle for the scale in degrees.  
Public PropertyScaleStartExtentGets or sets the position at which to start rendering the scale, measured from the center of the gauge as a value from 0 to 1. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyScaleSweepDirectionGets or sets the direction in which the scale sweeps around the center from the start angle to end angle.  
Public PropertyScaleX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScaleY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarFadeDuration (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollbarFadingEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarSize (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarStyle (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySelected (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySolidColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySoundEffectsEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySystemUiVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTextAlignment (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTickBrushGets or sets the brush to use for the major tickmarks.  
Public PropertyTickEndExtentGets or sets the position at which to stop rendering the major tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyTickStartExtentGets or sets the position at which to start rendering the major tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyTickStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness to use when rendering ticks.  
Public PropertyTop (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTouchables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTouchDelegate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTransitionDurationGets or sets the number of milliseconds over which changes to the gauge should be animated.  
Public PropertyTransitionEasingFunctionGets or sets the easing function used to morph the current series.  
Public PropertyTransitionProgressGets the transition progress of the animation when the control is animating.  
Public PropertyTranslationX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTranslationY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyValueGets or sets the value at which to point the needle of the gauge.  
Public PropertyVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollBarEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollbarPosition (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollbarWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyViewTreeObserver (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowSystemUiVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowToken (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyBottomFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyBottomPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyContextMenuInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyHorizontalScrollbarHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyIsPaddingOffsetRequired (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyLeftFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyLeftPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyRightFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyRightPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertySuggestedMinimumHeightOverridden. Gets the suggested minimum height that the view should use.  
Protected PropertySuggestedMinimumWidthOverridden. Gets the suggested minimum width that the view should use.  
Protected PropertyThresholdClass (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyThresholdType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyTopFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyTopPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyWindowAttachCount (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddChildrenForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddFocusablesOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddOnAttachStateChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddOnLayoutChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddTouchables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAnimate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAnnounceForAccessibilityOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBringToFront (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBuildDrawingCacheOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBuildLayer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCallOnClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCancelLongPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCancelPendingInputEvents (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveTextAlignment (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanScrollHorizontally (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanScrollVertically (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCheckInputConnectionProxy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodClearAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodClearFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodComputeScroll (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCreateAccessibilityNodeInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCreateContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDestroyDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchConfigurationChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchDisplayHint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchDragEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchGenericMotionEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyEventPreIme (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyShortcutEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchTrackballEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchUnhandledMove (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Cleanup resources allocated by the view.  
Public MethodDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodExportSerializedVisualDataReturns visuals as a serialized string.  
Public MethodExportVisualDataExports visual information about the control for use by external tools and functionality.  
Public MethodFindFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewByIdOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewsWithTextOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewWithTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFlushUse to force the radial gauge to finish any deferred work before printing or evaluating its visual.  
Public MethodFocusSearch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodForceLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawingRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetFocusables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetFocusedRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetGlobalVisibleRectOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodGetHitRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocalVisibleRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocationInWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocationOnScreen (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetPointForValueGets the point on the gauge for a given scale value and extent.  
Public MethodGetTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetValueForPointGets the value for the main scale of the gauge for a given point within the bounds of the gauge.  
Public MethodGetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvalidateDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvokeFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodJumpDrawablesToCurrentState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodMeasure (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodNeedleContainsPointOverloaded. Returns true if the main gauge needle bounding box contains the point provided, otherwise false.  
Public MethodNotify (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodNotifyAll (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodOffsetLeftAndRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOffsetTopAndBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCancelPendingInputEvents (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCheckIsTextEditor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCreateInputConnection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnDragEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnFilterTouchEventForSecurity (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnFinishTemporaryDetach (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnGenericMotionEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnHoverChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInitializeAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyDown (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyLongPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyMultiple (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyPreIme (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyShortcut (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyUp (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnRtlPropertiesChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnScreenStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnStartTemporaryDetach (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnTouchEventOverridden.   
Public MethodOnTrackballEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnWindowFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformAccessibilityAction (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformHapticFeedbackOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformLongClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPlaySoundEffect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostDelayedOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateDelayedOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateOnAnimationOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOnAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOnAnimationDelayed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRefreshDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveCallbacksOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveOnAttachStateChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveOnLayoutChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFitSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFocusOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFocusFromTouch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestRectangleOnScreenOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRestoreHierarchyState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSaveHierarchyState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScaleValueScales a value on the gauge's main scale to an angle around the center point of the gauge, in radians.  
Public MethodScheduleDrawableOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScrollBy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScrollTo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSendAccessibilityEventUnchecked (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetAccessibilityDelegate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundResource (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackingStrokeThicknessSets the BackingStrokeThickness property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetCameraDistance (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetFontSizeSets the FontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetLayerPaint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetLayerType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinorTickStrokeThicknessSets the MinorTickStrokeThickness property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetNeedlePivotStrokeThicknessSets the NeedlePivotStrokeThickness property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetNeedleStrokeThicknessSets the NeedleStrokeThickness property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetOnClickListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnCreateContextMenuListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnDragListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnGenericMotionListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnHoverListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnKeyListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnLongClickListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnTouchListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPadding (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPaddingRelative (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetScrollContainer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetTickStrokeThicknessSets the TickStrokeThickness property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetWillNotCacheDrawing (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetWillNotDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodShowContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartActionMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartDrag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodToArray<T> (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodUnscaleValueUnscales a value from an angle in radians to the represented value along the main scale of the gauge.  
Public MethodUnscheduleDrawableOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodWaitOverloaded.  (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodWillNotCacheDrawing (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodWillNotDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAwakenScrollBarsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodClone (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollExtent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollRange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollExtent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollRange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchGenericFocusedEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchGenericPointerEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchRestoreInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSaveInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSetActivated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSetPressed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSetSelected (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDrawableStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodFitSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodInitializeFadingEdge (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodInitializeScrollbars (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodJavaFinalize (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodOnAlignLabelUsed to invoke the AlignLabel event.  
Protected MethodOnAnimationEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnAnimationStart (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnConfigurationChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCreateContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCreateDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDetachedFromWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDisplayHint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDrawOverridden. Draws the view.  
Protected MethodOnDrawScrollBars (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFinishInflate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFormatLabelUsed to invoke the FormatLabel event.  
Protected MethodOnLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnMeasureOverridden. Measure the view.  
Protected MethodOnOverScrolled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnRestoreInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSaveInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnScrollChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSetAlpha (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSizeChangedOverridden. Called during layout when the size of this view has changed.  
Protected MethodOnValueChangedUsed to invoke the ValueChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnWindowVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOverScrollBy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodSetHandle (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodSetMeasuredDimension (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodVerifyDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public Events
Public EventAlignLabelEvent which is raised when a label of the gauge is aligned along the scale.  
Public EventClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventContextMenuCreated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventDrag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventFocusChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventFormatLabelEvent which is raised when a label of the gauge is formatted.  
Public EventGenericMotion (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventHover (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventKeyPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventLayoutChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventLongClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public EventSystemUiVisibilityChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventTouch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventValueChangedOccurs when the Value property changes.  
Public EventViewAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventViewDetachedFromWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
See Also