
DataSeriesAdapter Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataSeriesAdapter.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDataSeriesAdapter ConstructorConstructs a DataSeriesAdapter.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyExcludedPropertiesGets or sets a set of property paths that should be exluced from consideration by the adapter.  
Public PropertyIncludedPropertiesGets or sets a set of property paths that should be included for consideration by the adapter, leaving the remainder excluded. If null, all properties will be considered.  
Public PropertyItemsSourceGets or sets the backing data for the data adapter.  
Public PropertySupportedSeriesTypesGets or sets whether the adapter should remove duplicate data series bound to the same member paths.  
Public Methods
Public MethodGetDataProviderGets a data provider to use for the data series adapter provided a data source.  
Public MethodNotifyClearItemsUsed to manually notify the adapter that the data source has reset/cleared its items. Only necessary if that datasource is not observable.  
Public MethodNotifyInsertItemUsed to manually notify the adapter that the data source has had an item inserted. Only necessary if that datasource is not observable.  
Public MethodNotifyRemoveItemUsed to manually notify the adapter that the data source has had an item removed. Only necessary if that datasource is not observable.  
Public MethodNotifySetItemUsed to manually notify the adapter that the data source has had an item set. Only necessary if that datasource is not observable.  
Public MethodRefreshCauses the DataSeriesAdapter to refresh its analysis.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnRemovingDuplicatesUsed to invoke the DataSeriesAdapter.RemovingDuplicates event.  
Protected MethodOnRemovingUnsupportedUsed to invoke the DataSeriesAdapter.RemovingUnsupported event.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public EventRemovingDuplicatesCalled when the adapter is removing duplicate series from consideration.  
Public EventRemovingUnsupportedCalled when the adapter is removing unsupported series from consideration.  
See Also