
RadialGaugeView Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RadialGaugeView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRadialGaugeView ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldBackingCornerRadiusDefaultValueDefault backing corner radius  
Public FieldBackingInnerExtentDefaultValueDefault value for backing inner extent  
Public FieldBackingOuterExtentDefaultValueDefault value for backing outer extent  
Public FieldLabelExtentDefaultValueDefault value for label extent  
Public FieldMaximumValueDefaultValueDefault maximum value of the scale  
Public FieldMinimumValueDefaultValueDefault minimum value of the scale  
Public FieldMinorTickEndExtentDefaultValueDefault value fror the minor tick end extent  
Public FieldMinorTickStartExtentDefaultValueDefault value for minor tick start extent  
Public FieldScaleEndExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the scale end extent  
Public FieldScaleStartExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the scale start extent  
Public FieldTickEndExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the tick end extent  
Public FieldTickStartExtentDefaultValueDefault value for the tick start extent  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccessibilityActivationPoint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityCustomActions (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyAccessibilityElementsHidden (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityFrame (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityHint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityIdentifier (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityLabel (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityLanguage (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityNavigationStyle (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityPath (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityTraits (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityValue (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityViewIsModal (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyActualMaximumValueGets the resolved maximum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyActualMinimumValueGets the resolved minimum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyActualPixelScalingRatioGets the actual pixel scaling ratio used to affect the pixel density of the control.  
Public PropertyAlignmentRectInsets (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAlpha (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAnimatingGets a value indicating whether the radial gauge is currently animating.  
Public PropertyAutoresizingMask (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAutosizesSubviews (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyBackgroundColor (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyBackingBrushGets or sets the brush to use to fill the backing of the gauge.  
Public PropertyBackingCornerRadiusGets or sets the corner rounding radius to use for the fitted scale backings.  
Public PropertyBackingInnerExtentGets or sets the inner extent of the gauge backing.  
Public PropertyBackingOuterExtentGets or sets the outer extent of the gauge backing.  
Public PropertyBackingOutlineGets or sets the brush to use for the outline of the backing.  
Public PropertyBackingOversweepGets or sets the over sweep angle to apply to the backing if it is displaying fitted (in degrees). Must be greater or equal to 0.  
Public PropertyBackingShapeGets or sets the type of shape to use for the backing of the gauge.  
Public PropertyBackingStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness of the backing outline.  
Public PropertyBounds (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyCanBecomeFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyCanResignFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyCenter (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyCenterXGets or sets the x position of the center of the gauge with the value ranging from 0 to 1.  
Public PropertyCenterYGets or sets the y position of the center of the gauge with the value ranging from 0 to 1.  
Public PropertyClass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyClassHandle (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyClearsContextBeforeDrawing (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyClipsToBounds (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyContentMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyContentScaleFactor (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyContentStretch (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyDebugDescription (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyDescription (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyDuplicateLabelOmissionStrategyGets or sets the strategy to use for omitting labels if the first and last label have the same value.  
Public PropertyExclusiveTouch (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyFontReturns or sets the font for the text.  
Public PropertyFontBrushGets or sets the brush to use for the label font.  
Public PropertyFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertyFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertyFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertyFrame (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyGestureRecognizers (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyHandle (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyHasAmbiguousLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyHidden (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyInputAccessoryView (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInputAccessoryViewController (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInputView (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInputViewController (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyIntervalGets or sets the interval to use for the scale.  
Public PropertyIntrinsicContentSize (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyIsAccessibilityElement (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyIsFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyIsNeedleDraggingConstrainedGets or sets whether the needle is constrained within the minimum and maximum value range during dragging.  
Public PropertyIsNeedleDraggingEnabledGets or sets whether needle dragging is enabled or not.  
Public PropertyIsProxy (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyKeyCommands (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyLabelExtentGets or sets the position at which to put the labels as a value from 0 to 1, measured form the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyLabelIntervalGets or sets the interval to use for rendering labels. This defaults to be the same interval as the tickmarks on the scale.  
Public PropertyLayer (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyLayoutMargins (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyMaskView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyMaximumValueGets or sets the maximum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyMinimumValueGets or sets the minimum value of the scale.  
Public PropertyMinorTickBrushGets or sets the brush to use for the minor tickmarks.  
Public PropertyMinorTickCountGets or sets the number of minor tickmarks to place between major tickmarks.  
Public PropertyMinorTickEndExtentGets or sets the position at which to stop rendering the minor tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyMinorTickStartExtentGets or sets the position at which to start rendering the minor tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyMinorTickStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness to use when rendering minor ticks.  
Public PropertyMotionEffects (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyMultipleTouchEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyNeedleBaseFeatureExtentGets or sets the extent of the feature which is closest to the base (e.g. a bulb) with a value from -1 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property, namely: NeedleWithBulb, RectangleWithBulb, TrapezoidWithBulb, and TriangleWithBulb. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleBaseFeatureWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its feature which is closest to the base (e.g. a bulb) with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property, namely: NeedleWithBulb, RectangleWithBulb, TrapezoidWithBulb, and TriangleWithBulb. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleBrushGets or sets the brush to use when rendering the fill of the needle.  
Public PropertyNeedleEndExtentGets or sets the extent (from -1 to 1) at which to end rendering the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleEndWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its point using a value from (0 to 1). Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleOutlineGets or sets the brush to use when rendering the outline of the needle.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotBrushGets or sets the brush to use for filling the needle cap. Note: this only applies to certain cap shapes.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotInnerWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the inner cutout section of the needle cap with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Will only take effect if you have a cap set on the needle that has a cutout section.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotOutlineGets or sets the brush to use for the outlines of the needle cap.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotShapeGets or sets the shape to use for the needle cap.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness to use for the outline of the needle cap.  
Public PropertyNeedlePivotWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the cap of the needle with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Will only take effect if you have a cap set on the needle. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedlePointFeatureExtentGets or sets the extent of the feature which is closest to the point (e.g. the tapering point of a needle) with a value from -1 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedlePointFeatureWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its feature which is closest to the point (e.g. the tapering point of a needle) with a value from 0 to 1. Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleShapeGets or sets the shape to use when rendering the needle from a number of options.  
Public PropertyNeedleStartExtentGets or sets the extent (from -1 to 1) at which to start rendering the needle, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleStartWidthRatioGets or sets the width of the needle at its point using a value from (0 to 1). Note: Only some needle shapes respect this property. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyNeedleStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness of the needle outline.  
Public PropertyNextResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyOpaque (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyPixelScalingRatioGets or sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control.  
Public PropertyPreservesSuperviewLayoutMargins (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyRadiusMultiplierGets or sets the multiplying factor to apply to the normal radius of the gauge. The radius of the gauge is defined by the minimum of the width and height of the control divided by 2.0. This introduces a multiplicative factor to that value.  
Public PropertyRangeBrushesGets or sets a collection of brushes to be used as the palette for gauge ranges.  
Public PropertyRangeOutlinesGets or sets a collection of brushes to be used as the palette for gauge outlines.  
Public PropertyRangesGets or sets the ranges to render on the gauge.  
Public PropertyRestorationIdentifier (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyRetainCount (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyScaleBrushGets or sets the brush to use to fill the background of the scale.  
Public PropertyScaleEndAngleGets or sets the end angle for the scale in degrees.  
Public PropertyScaleEndExtentGets or sets the position at which to stop rendering the scale as a value from 0 to 1 measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyScaleOversweepGets or sets the extra degrees of sweep to apply to the scale background. Must be greater or equal to 0.  
Public PropertyScaleOversweepShapeGets or sets the oversweep shape to use for the excess fill area for the scale.  
Public PropertyScaleStartAngleGets or sets the start angle for the scale in degrees.  
Public PropertyScaleStartExtentGets or sets the position at which to start rendering the scale, measured from the center of the gauge as a value from 0 to 1. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyScaleSweepDirectionGets or sets the direction in which the scale sweeps around the center from the start angle to end angle.  
Public PropertySelf (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyShouldGroupAccessibilityChildren (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertySubviews (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertySuperclass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertySuperHandle (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertySuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTextInputContextIdentifier (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyTextInputMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyTickBrushGets or sets the brush to use for the major tickmarks.  
Public PropertyTickEndExtentGets or sets the position at which to stop rendering the major tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyTickStartExtentGets or sets the position at which to start rendering the major tickmarks as a value from 0 to 1, measured from the center of the gauge. Values further from zero than 1 can be used to make this extend further than the normal radius of the gauge.  
Public PropertyTickStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness to use when rendering ticks.  
Public PropertyTintAdjustmentMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTintColor (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTraitCollection (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTransform (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTransitionDurationGets or sets the number of milliseconds over which changes to the gauge should be animated.  
Public PropertyTransitionEasingFunctionGets or sets the easing function used to morph the current series.  
Public PropertyTransitionProgressGets the transition progress of the animation when the control is animating.  
Public PropertyTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyUndoManager (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyUserActivity (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyUserInteractionEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyValueGets or sets the value at which to point the needle of the gauge.  
Public PropertyViewForBaselineLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyViewPrintFormatter (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyWindow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyZone (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyIsDirectBinding (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public Methods
Public MethodAccessibilityActivate (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAccessibilityDecrement (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityElementDidLoseFocus (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityElementIsFocused (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityIncrement (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityPerformEscape (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityPerformMagicTap (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityScroll (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAdd (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddConstraint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddGestureRecognizer (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddMotionEffect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddObserverOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodAddSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddSubviews (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAlignmentRectForFrame (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAwakeFromNib (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodBecomeFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodBeginInvokeOnMainThreadOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodBringSubviewToFront (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodCanPerform (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodConformsToProtocol (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodContentCompressionResistancePriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodContentHuggingPriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointFromCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointFromView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointToCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointToView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectFromCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectFromView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectToCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectToView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodCopyOverloaded.  (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodCut (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodDangerousAutorelease (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDangerousRelease (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDangerousRetain (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDecodeRestorableState (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodDelete (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodDidChangeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDidChangeValue (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Releases the resources used by the UIView object.  
Public MethodDoesNotRecognizeSelector (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDrawOverridden. Draws the view.  
Public MethodDrawRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodDrawViewHierarchy (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodEncodeRestorableState (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodEncodeTo (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodExchangeSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodExerciseAmbiguityInLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodExportSerializedVisualDataReturns visuals as a serialized string.  
Public MethodExportVisualDataExports visual information about the control for use by external tools and functionality.  
Public MethodFlushUse to force the radial gauge to finish any deferred work before printing or evaluating its visual.  
Public MethodFrameForAlignmentRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGestureRecognizerShouldBegin (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGetConstraintsAffectingLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGetDictionaryOfValuesFromKeys (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetEnumerator (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetNativeField (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetNativeHash (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetPointForValueGets the point on the gauge for a given scale value and extent.  
Public MethodGetTargetForAction (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodGetValueForPointGets the value for the main scale of the gauge for a given point within the bounds of the gauge.  
Public MethodHitTest (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInit (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodInsertSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInsertSubviewAbove (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInsertSubviewBelow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInvalidateIntrinsicContentSize (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInvokeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodInvokeOnMainThreadOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodIsDescendantOfView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodIsEqual (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodIsKindOfClass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodIsMemberOfClass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodLayoutIfNeeded (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodLayoutMarginsDidChange (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodLayoutSubviewsOverridden.   
Public MethodMakeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMakeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMotionBegan (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMotionCancelled (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMotionEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMovedToSuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodMovedToWindow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodMutableCopy (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodNeedleContainsPointOverloaded. Returns true if the main gauge needle bounding box contains the point provided, otherwise false.  
Public MethodNeedsUpdateConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodObserveValue (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodPaste (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodPerformSelectorOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodPointInside (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodReloadInputViews (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodRemoteControlReceived (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodRemoveConstraint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveFromSuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveGestureRecognizer (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveMotionEffect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveObserverOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodResignFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodResizableSnapshotView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRespondsToSelector (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodRestoreUserActivityState (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodScaleValueScales a value on the gauge's main scale to an angle around the center point of the gauge, in radians.  
Public MethodSelect (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodSelectAll (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodSendSubviewToBack (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetContentCompressionResistancePriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetContentHuggingPriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNativeField (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetNeedsDisplay (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNeedsDisplayInRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNeedsLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNeedsUpdateConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNilValueForKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValueForKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValueForKeyPathOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValueForUndefinedKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValuesForKeysWithDictionary (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSizeThatFitsOverridden. Returns the size that best fits this view.  
Public MethodSizeToFit (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSnapshotView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSubviewAdded (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSystemLayoutSizeFittingSizeOverloaded.  (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodTintColorDidChange (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodToggleBoldface (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodToggleItalics (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodToggleUnderline (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodTouchesBegan (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesCancelled (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesMoved (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTraitCollectionDidChange (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodUnscaleValueUnscales a value from an angle in radians to the represented value along the main scale of the gauge.  
Public MethodUpdateConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodUpdateConstraintsIfNeeded (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodUpdateUserActivityState (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodValueForKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodValueForKeyPath (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodValueForUndefinedKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodViewWithTag (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodWillChangeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodWillChangeValue (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodWillMoveToSuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodWillMoveToWindow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodWillRemoveSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Protected MethodMarkDirty (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Protected MethodOnAlignLabelUsed to invoke the RadialGaugeView.AlignLabel event.  
Protected MethodOnFormatLabelUsed to invoke the RadialGaugeView.FormatLabel event.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnValueChangedUsed to invoke the RadialGaugeView.ValueChanged event.  
Public Events
Public EventAlignLabelEvent which is raised when a label of the gauge is aligned along the scale.  
Public EventFormatLabelEvent which is raised when a label of the gauge is formatted.  
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public EventValueChangedOccurs when the Value property changes.  
See Also