
Add Method (ComboChartGroupCollection)

Creates a new ComboChartGroup, or returns an existing one, which matches the specified chartType and axisGroup.


A Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.ChartType constant which identifies the combo chart group.
An Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.AxisGroup constant which identifies the combo chart group.

Return Value

A new or existing ComboChartGroup instance.
System.NotSupportedExceptionThe specified chartType is not supported within a combo chart. See documentation for the WorksheetChart.SetComboChartSourceData method for a list of supported chart types.

This method returns an object which provides a way to set chart-specific properties for a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.Series that is displayed within a combo chart.

For example, to change the WorksheetChart.GapWidth property for each series associated with a bar chart contained within a combo chart, set the ComboChartGroup.GapWidth property of the instance returned from this method.

If a ComboChartGroup instance corresponding to the specified chartType and axisGroup already exists, that instance is returned; otherwise a new instance is created and that instance is returned.


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also