
ResourceId Property

Returns or sets the identifier for the associated resource, or null if this activity is not associated with any particular resource.
public string ResourceId {get; set;}

The value assigned to the property is not validated, i.e., no exception is thrown if the value does not match the id of any currently defined resource.

When a resource with the specified Id becomes available through the data source, a reference to that resource is returned via the Resource property.

Note that a ScheduleResource is only available to an activity if it is associated with the same Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource.

For a Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleListDataSource, for example, resources are associated with the data source via the Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleListDataSource.ResourceItemsSource property. Assign an IEnumerable implementation which contains either ScheduleResource instances, or custom data objects which represent resources to the ResourceItemsSource property, and the resource whose ScheduleResource.Id property matches the value of this activity's ResourceId property will then own this activity.


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also