
UploadProgressManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by UploadProgressManager.

Public Properties
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)InstanceProperty which gets the instance of the singleton class  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddFileUploadingEventHandlerAdd file uploading event handler in dictionary  
Public MethodAddFinishedUploadEventHandlerAdd finished upload event handler in dictionary  
Public MethodAddFinishingUploadEventHandlerAdd finishing upload event handler in dictionary  
Public MethodAddStartingUploadEventHandlerAdd Starting Upload event handler in dictionary  
Public MethodCancelUploadCancel upload  
Public MethodCommandGetFileSizeGet file size and deletes from filesize dictionary element with specific key  
Public MethodCommandGetStatusGet status for the file - filestatus, uploaded bytes - in json format  
Public MethodFileUploadingThis function is called every time file chunk is saved(called only when FileSaveType is MemoryStream)  
Public MethodGetUploadedFileByKeyGet file uploading info from dictionary  
Public MethodRemoveFileUploadingEventHandlerRemove file uploading event handler from dictionary  
Public MethodRemoveFinishedUploadEventHandlerRemove finished upload event handler from dictionary  
Public MethodRemoveFinishingUploadEventHandlerRemove finishing upload event handler from dictionary  
Public MethodRemoveStartingUploadEventHandlerRemove starting upload event handler from dictionary  
Public MethodRemoveUploadInfoRemove file from dictionary Fire event for finishing file  
Public MethodSetFinishingFileCalled when file is finished as set file status to finished  
See Also