
DataParameterSurrogate Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataParameterSurrogate.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDataParameterSurrogate ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyDbTypeDatabase-independent data type.  
Public PropertyDirectionIndicates what direction(s) the parameter transfers information.  
Public PropertyIsNullableIndicates if the parameter can send or receive DBNull values.  
Public PropertyParameterNameName of the data provider parameter.  
Public PropertyPrecisionPrecision of decimal parameter data types.  
Public PropertyScaleScale of decimal parameter data types.  
Public PropertySizeSize of the underlying data column (in bytes).  
Public PropertySourceColumnColumn name of a source column in a DataSet binding situation.  
Public PropertySourceVersionRow version.  
Public PropertyValueCurrently bound value to this data parameter.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodInitializeAdditionalPropertiesInitializes properties on a newly constructed concrete IDataParameter that cannot be initialized through it's available constructors.  
Protected MethodOnParameterNameChangedFires the ParameterNameChanged event, and cancels any change if an Exception is thrown by any event handler.  
Public Events
Public EventParameterNameChangedSignals when the ParameterName property changes.  
See Also