
What’s New in 2010 Volume 3

The Ultimate UI for ASP.NET 2010 Volume 3 release includes the following new controls and features built on the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX framework.

New WebDocumentExporter Control

The new WebDocumentExporter™ control, just like WebExcelExporter™ control, allows you to automatically export Grid data. No matter what kind of Infragistics DataGrid you are using (WebDataGrid™ or WebHierarchicalDataGrid™), you can easily achieve your goal to get the data into a XPS or PDF file format.

New WebDataMenu Scrolling Feature

WebDataMenu now supports Scrolling – which allows you to scroll through the menu items when they do not fit in the browser viewport. Scrolling is supported for both Horizontal and Vertical menus. The feature is always enabled by default. If you want to disable it, set the EnableScrolling property to false.

The following use cases can be targeted with the EnableScrolling property:

  • EnableScrolling – False

    • If there is height/width set, the scroll container will clip the contents outside the area and no buttons will be shown. If the content is bigger than the screen it will be shown as is and the page will have scrollbars.

  • EnableScrolling – True

    • If there is height/width set in the GroupSettings then it will be obeyed, and scroll buttons will be shown if the content is bigger than the height/width specified. If height/width is bigger than screen size, content is fit in the page. Width is applied only when the menu group has horizontal orientation. Height is applied only when the menu group has vertical orientation.

    • If there is no height or width set for the group of menu items or if content is bigger than the screen area then content will be fit in the page and scroll buttons will be shown.

The ScrollingSpeed property can be used to control how fast the scrollable area will be moved. It has five values that the developer can specify. If you click while scrolling on the scroll button the speed accelerates. The default value for ScrollingSpeed is Normal. Scrolling speed is calculated depending on several variables: Pixels to scroll – how many pixels are moved per time. Scrolls per time – defines how fast we scroll for a certain period of time (in milliseconds). ** Per items factor – the speed adjusts depending on the number of items. For example, having Normal speed for 100 items will be actually slower when having Normal speed for 1000 items.

In 10.2 the control opens menu items on hover and they close after unhover. The control is not active and does not steal the focus from input fields, for example.

In 10.3 we have added a new property, ActivateOnHover. When the control is hovered it will receive the focus and open the menu items. When the control is unhovered the focus will be returned to the element on the page it was taken from.

Using this property the following scenarios can be achieved:

  • ActivateOnHover is True – the menu keeps track of the currently focused element. Once the menu is hovered over, it takes focus and expands. Keyboard navigation is also possible at this point. If none of the menu items is clicked and mouse is moved out of the menu (unhover) the menu collapses and returns the focus to the previously focused element. If the menu is clicked after expanding, when the mouse is moved out, the menu collapses and the focus goes to the body of the page.

  • ActivateOnHover is False – the top level menu items are only highlighted on hover - without expanding. A mouse click or tabbing in is required to set the focus on the menu and expand the first level submenu. Then keyboard navigation becomes possible. When the mouse is moved away from the menu (unhover) the menu stays opened until the user clicks outside of it or hits the Esc key. This scenario is useful when you want the menu to work as a desktop menu. Usually desktop menus require a click to focus and then start opening. It is also useful when the menu has a lot of items with combination of EnableScrolling set to False. This way the menu will stay opened and you will be able to scroll the page with the page scrollbars and access the items that are out of the visible screen area.

Related Topics

New WebDataMenu Properties

WebDataMenu now has two more properties added - ActivateOnHover and CloseMenuOnClick. See the

or more information

Related Topics ActivateOnHover Property

New WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalDataGrid Summary Row Feature

The new Summary Row feature allows you and your end users to display summary of the numeric data in any column in both WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid.

About Summary Row (WebDataGrid)

Adding Custom Summaries (WebDataGrid)

Summary Settings (WebDataGrid)

Compact Rendering (WebDataGrid)

About Summary Row (WebHierarchicalDataGrid)

New WebHierarchicalDataGrid Row Selectors Feature

The Row Selectors behavior is now available for WebHierarchicalDataGrid™.

Office 2010 Blue Styles

Ultimate UI for ASP.NET controls now supports Office 2010 Blue Styles.

Version-less Assemblies

Starting from 2010 Vol. 3 release, the version numbers of Ultimate UI for ASP.NET™ assemblies are no longer embedded in the file names.