
Using Custom Button in WebCurrencyEditor

WebCurrencyEditor™ allows you to have a customized button mainly to raise client and server events. These events can be used to implement custom actions like showing alerts, dialogs, and drop-downs or perform validations, raise postbacks etc. You can display the custom button on the left or on the right by simply setting the CustomButtonDisplay property. A list of key actions that trigger the custom button click event can be set by using the control’s CustomButtonHotKeys property.

In Visual Basic:

WebCurrencyEditor1.Buttons.CustomButtonDisplay = Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls.ButtonDisplay.OnRight

In C#:

WebCurrencyEditor1.Buttons.CustomButtonDisplay = Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls.ButtonDisplay.OnRight;

You can also set various properties like text, images, tooltip for the custom button by using the CustomButton property.

In Visual Basic:

WebCurrencyEditor1.Buttons.CustomButton.Text = "IG"

In C#:

WebCurrencyEditor1.Buttons.CustomButton.Text = "IG";
WebTextEditor Using Custom Button in WebTextEditor 01.png