

You can use templates to provide custom user interface for certain features of WebDataGrid™. You can use custom templates for paging and editing. There is a template to display a message for controls with no data as well as an error template for exception notification. Further, you can customize every aspect of a column (cells, headers, and footers) using templates. Creating a template is quick and simple through the designer. At runtime, you can implement the ITemplate interface to create custom templates.

For more information on the specific templates available and how to use them, click the links below.

WebDataGrid has 4 types of templates for its columns: header, footer, item, and alternating item templates. As the name implies, these templates take the place of the header, footer, and individual items of a column.

This section describes how to apply empty row template whenever there are no rows in the data source.

This topic describes how to apply error template to display custom messages for exceptions that occur within the control.

This topic describes how to set up and use custom paging template.

This section describes how to set up row editing template.

This topic describes how to bind the controls used in a template to any fields of WebDataGrid.

This topic describes how to store and use your common templates.