
Spoke Pane

The Spoke pane is used to edit the shape of the back anchor. A depth value of 100 and a sweep value of 360 is circle. As the values decrease, the spokes become more visible.

Depth  — Set this value to an integer from 0 to 100. This value is the distance between each spoke and the center of your Radial gauge.

Sweep  — Set this value to an integer from 0 to 360. This value is the angular measurement of each spoke. The "spoke" appearance of the back anchor is visible only when the sweep value is less than 100.

The back anchor s pane in the gauge designer.

The following screen shot shows a back anchor and an anchor with the radius value set to 45, the depth value set to 80 and the sweep value set to 20.

Shows a back anchor and an anchor on a radial gauge.