
Change how the Image Viewer Scrolls Through Images

The WebImageViewer™ control utilizes a scroll animation to change the position of the image strip in the viewport. There are three different types of scroll animation:

  • Continuous

  • NextItem

  • Page

For more information, see Scroll Animation Types.

The example code below shows you how to set the scroll animation on your WebImageViewer.


In Visual Basic:

' Sets Type to Scroll by Page
Me.WebImageViewer1.ScrollAnimations.Type = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.ScrollAnimations.Page
' Sets EquationType to EaseIn
Me.WebImageViewer1.ScrollAnimations.Page.EquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseIn
' Sets Duration to 100
Me.WebImageViewer1.ScrollAnimations.Page.Duration = 100

In C#:

// Sets Type to Scroll by Page
this.WebImageViewer1.ScrollAnimations.Type = Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.ScrollAnimations.Page;
// Sets EquationType to EaseIn
this.WebImageViewer1.ScrollAnimations.Page.EquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseIn;
// Sets Duration to 100
this.WebImageViewer1.ScrollAnimations.Page.Duration = 100;

You can also set the scroll animation on the client side.

In Javascript:

var iv = $find("WebImageViewer1")
var scrollAnimations = iv.get_scrollAnimations();
var pageAnimation = scrollAnimations.get_pageAnimation();