
About WebMaskEditor

WebMaskEditor™ is an editor control which provides extensive and customizable input masking functionality and provides various appearance and behavior based properties. WebMaskEditor is built using the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX Framework to leverage a proven code base that promotes a high performance and responsive end-user experience. You can find WebMaskEditor in the Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls namespace.

WebMaskEditor About WebMaskEditor 01.png

Like all Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls, WebMaskEditor seamlessly integrates into the Infragistics® Application Styling Framework. With CSS based properties you can manually customize the WebMaskEditor by leveraging your existing style sheets.

WebMaskEditor also exposes a robust model within the client-side Javascript programming environment. The client-side object model (CSOM) consists of full-fledged properties and methods that enable developers to program significant units of functionality without the need of server-side postbacks.

Some of the WebMaskEditor control’s features include:

  • High-Performance — Lightweight markup and optimized code improve performance.

  • Spin Buttons — End-users can easily spin through a list of values.

  • Standard Validators support — Supports ASP.NET validator controls.

  • ShowMaskOnFocus — In edit mode, the displayed string (input pattern) can be built dynamically with cut-off prompts and literal characters on the right side of the caret.

  • SelectionOnFocus — You can set different selection types for whenever entering edit mode.

  • InputMask — Allows you to set input mask used to filter keyboard entries.

  • PadChar — Allows you to set the character that is used to fill the empty mask positions in the display text when the control loses focus.

  • PromptChar — Allows you to set the character that is used to fill the empty mask positions in the display text when the control has focus.