
Setting minimum and maximum values for WebPercentEditor

WebPercentEditor™ allows you to set a range of values that your end-user can enter into the editor by simply setting the control’s MinValue and MaxValue properties. If an end-user types a percent more than the maximum value then the editor sets the value to the maximum value. Similarly, if an end-user types a percent less than the minimum value then the editor sets the value to the minimum value.

You can set the MinValue and MaxValue properties either by using the Microsoft® Visual Studio® Property Window or by using the following code:

In Visual Basic:

WebPercentEditor1.MinValue = 10
WebPercentEditor1.MaxValue = 95

In C#:

WebPercentEditor1.MinValue = 10;
WebPercentEditor1.MaxValue = 95;

In JavaScript:

var Editor = $find("WebPercentEditor1");