
Adding an Activity on the Client Side

Before You Begin:

The WebSchedule™ allows activities to be added Client-Side. This walk through goes over how you go about adding an activity client-side. The main method used to add an activity client-side is called addActivity.

The addActivity method takes two parameters:

  1. Activity: the actual activity object you wish to add.

  2. id: a string value which is retrievable in the Adding Client and Server events.

The following JavaScript code will demonstrate how to dynamically add and activity client-side.

Follow These Steps:

  1. Setup Project

Create an ASP.NET project and setup the WebSchedule controls. For information on how to do this you can review the Quick Start using the Web Forms Designer or Setting Up the WebSchedule in Code.

  1. After you have the project setup you will need to have a button or something that you can click to trigger a JavaScript event.

  2. Getting Reference to WebScheduleInfo

First you will need a reference to the WebSchdeuleInfo™ object. You can get this object by passing in the ClientId of your WebScheduleInfo into the following utility function:

In JavaScript:

var scheduleInfo = ig_getWebScheduleInfoById("WebScheduleInfo1");
  1. Create new Activity

Next you will need to create a new empty Activity. This can be done by getting the activities collection and calling the function createActivity();

In JavaScript:

var appointment = scheduleInfo.getActivities().createActivity();
  1. You can then set various properties using the setter methods on the appointment object:

In JavaScript:

appointment.setStartDateTime(new Date());
appointment.setSubject("New Appointment");
  1. Add Activity

Finally you can call addActivity, which is a method off of the WebScheduleInfo object. This method will trigger a postback and both the client and server side Adding events.

In JavaScript:

scheduleInfo.addActivity(appointment, "");
  1. This is the basics to adding an activity client-side.

What You Accomplished:

This walk through was designed to explain the steps to adding an Activity client-side.