
Creating New Visualizations and Dashboards


As described in Editing & Saving Dashboards, there are two ways to handle how you save changes to dashboards: client-side and server-side. Those scenarios work fine when users make minor changes to existing dashboards like:

  • Adding/modifying filters

  • Changing the type of visualization (chart, gauge, grid, etc.)

  • Changing the theme

However, to add new visualizations the user needs to select the data source to be used. To do that, the containing application needs to provide information to the SDK, so it can display the list of data sources available for a new visualization

Displaying a List of Data Sources

The callback you need to use to display a list of data sources is onDataSourcesRequested. In the case that you don’t set your own function to this callback, when a new visualization is created, Reveal will display all data sources used in the dashboard (if any).


The code below shows how to configure the data source selection screen to show an “in-memory” item and a SQL Server data source.

window.revealView.onDataSourcesRequested = function (callback) {
    var inMemoryDSI = new $.ig.RVInMemoryDataSourceItem("employees");

    var sqlDs = new $.ig.RVSqlServerDataSource();

    callback(new $.ig.RevealDataSources([sqlDs], [inMemoryDSI], false));

The “false” value in the third parameter prevents existing data sources on the dashboard from being displayed. So, when creating a new widget using the “+” button, you should get the following screen :


Please note that the “employees” parameter passed to the “RVInMemoryDataSourceItem” constructor, is the same dataset id used in In-Memory Data Support and identifies the dataset to be returned on the server side.

Creating New Dashboards

Creating dashboards from scratch is really simple, you just need to:

var revealSettings = new $.ig.RevealSettings(null);
revealSettings.startInEditMode = true;
var revealView = new $.ig.RevealView("#revealView", revealSettings);

You can find a working example in CreateDashboard.cshtml in the UpMedia web application distributed with the SDK.