
Editing & Saving Dashboards


As described in Loading Dashboard Files Server-side, there are two ways to handle how you save changes to dashboards:

  • Client-side: To use this method you need to set a function in the onSave attribute of the $.ig.RevealView object. This is the recommended approach as it gives more flexibility to the containing app on how operations (save and save as) are performed.

    Code Sample:

    $.ig.revealView.onSave = function(rv, saveEvent) {
        saveEvent.serialize(function(blobValue) {
            //TODO: save the blob value, for example using a XMLHttpRequest object
            //to POST to the server

    In case you don’t want to handle the save action, you can turn off the option to edit dashboards by setting:

    $.ig.revealSettings.canSaveAs = false;

    This might be useful, for example, when your users are not supposed to make changes.

  • Server-side: When the onSave event is not set in the $.ig.RevealView object, the default server-side saving method is used. After the end user saves a modified dashboard, a HTTP POST request is invoked. As a result, the SaveDashboardAsync method of the currently defined SDK context is invoked. And you get the _dashboardId as string and a Stream representation of the dashboard in dashboardStream.

    With the server-side approach, you only need to implement the code client-side but you lose flexibility client-side. This means, for example, that the user cannot select the final location where the dashboard will be stored.

    For further details about the SDK context, please refer to Defining the Server Context..