Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Shared Namespace

ClassAssemblyVersion Contains version information for the Infragistics assemblies.
ClassCollectionItemPropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor for an item in an expandable collection
ClassColorsCollectionBase Summary description for WebColorsCollection.
ClassCustomTypeDescriptorAdapter CustomTypeDescriptorAdapter is an adapter class that implements ICustomTypeDescriptor.
ClassDateTimeIncrement Class similar to TimeSpan which provides the ability to specify a number of Year, Months, Days, etc to be used in conjunction with the SpinIncrement property on the DateTime editors
ClassDateTimeIncrementTypeConverter TypeConverter used for the DateTimeIncrement class
ClassDisposableObject The base class Disposable maintains a boolean flag that keeps track of whether or not the object has been Disposed. It implemnets System.IDisposable and calls a virtual 'OnDispose' method to let the derived class know when the object has been Disposed.
ClassDisposableObjectCollectionBase Abstract base class for collections that contain objects. If the object implements the System.IDisposable interface, OnDispose is called on the object in DisposeCollectionItems.
ClassDisposableObjectEnumeratorBase A base class that implements the IEnumerator interface
ClassEventHandlerDictionary Class used to manage a list of delegates. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassEventManagerBase Abstract base class for managing a control's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count.
ClassExpandableCollectionConverter Type converter for providing an expandable collection
ClassFlagsEnumUITypeEditor UITypeEditor used to allow selection of values from a flag enumeration - i.e. an enumeration which has a System.FlagsAttribute on it.
ClassInfragisticsSerializable Indicates that a class is safe to serialize as part of saving it during run-time serialization.
ClassKeyedSubObjectBase Abstract base class which implements IKeyedSubObject for sub objects that will be part of a keyed collection (where each item can be accessed either through a zero based index or a string key)
ClassKeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase Abstract base class for keyed collections
ClassLocalizedCustomTypeDescriptorAdapter LocalizedCustomTypeDescriptorAdapter is an adapter class that derives from CustomTypeDescriptorAdapter and utilizes the LocalizedDisplayNameAttribute to display localized names for properties and enum values in the PropertyGrid control.
ClassLocalizedCustomTypeDescriptorAdapter.LocalizedEnumConverter Handles the conversion of strings of an enum to localize them for display in a PropertyGrid control.
ClassPrimitiveTypeConverter The type converter for properties that use the PrimitiveTypeUITypeEditor.
ClassPrimitiveTypeUITypeEditor The editor for a property of type System.Object.

The PropChangeInfo structure contains the context information for a state change. It is passed into the SubObjectPropChanged event.

It also allows us to chain relavent context information about a property change so the a listener can get information as granular as it wants to determine what it should do when an object's state changes.

ClassResourceCustomizer Class used to provide the ability to customize resource strings.
ClassResources Exposes a ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassSparseArray SparseArray class.
ClassSparseCollectionBase Abstract base class for collections that contain objects. If the object implements the System.IDisposable interface, OnDispose is called on the object in DisposeCollectionItems.
ClassSubObjectBase Classes that want to notify listeners when there state changes (e.g. when a property value is changed) derive from the SubObjectBase class.
ClassSubObjectsCollectionBase Abstract base class for collections withouit keys
ClassSurrogatePropertySerializerAttribute Attribute class used for specifying the custom property pages of aa UltraControl.
ClassSystemColorsCollection A collection of SystemColors.
ClassUITypeEditorListBase Base class for a UITypeEditor that provides a list
ClassUltraObjectPropertiesPage Summary description for ObjectProperties control.
ClassUltraPropertyPageAttribute Attribute class used for specifying the custom property pages of aa UltraControl.
ClassUltraPropertyPageBase Base class for all UltraControlBase wizards.
ClassUltraPropertyPageDialog Summary description for UltraPropertyPageDialog .
ClassUltraPropPagePropertyGrid A class derived from PropertyGrid that uses the supplied component's Site property to provide design time services.
ClassUltraPropPagePropertyGridWithEventsTab A Property Grid derived from UltraPropPagePropertyGrid that provides support for an events tab. Objects briwsed with this property gri must support IComponent.
ClassWebColorsCollection A collection of the Web colors shown in a color picker.
ClassXPItemColor Calculates the XP style color scheme from current user settings. The constructor checks the users screen to see if it supports high color or not. It then calculates out ALL of the calculated colors in one shot. Lastly it hooks up a listener so that it can re-initialize the colors if the user changes the color scheme or display depth(BPP). If the security permissions on the machine do not permit us to check color depth, we default to high color.
InterfaceICreateItemCallback ICreateItemCallback interface.
InterfaceIKeyedSubObject Interface used by sub objects that will be part of a keyed collection (where each item can be accessed either through a zero based index or a string key.
InterfaceIKeyedSubObjectEx Interface used by sub objects that cache an interned lowercase version of their key to optimize key comparisons.
InterfaceISelectableItem ISelectableItem is implemented by any sub object that can be selected and/or activated (e.g. a cell, row, header etc.)
InterfaceISparseArrayItem This interface can be implemented on items to be contained in the sparse array to get a fast IndexOf operation.
InterfaceISparseArrayMultiItem ISparseArrayMultiItem interface.
InterfaceIUltraComponent IUltraComponent Interface
InterfaceIUltraPropertyPageDialogComponent For Infragistics Internal Use Only
DelegateSubObjectDisposedEventHandler A delegate for dispose notification events
DelegateSubObjectPropChangeEventHandler A delegate for property change notification events
EnumerationLicenseOptions Contains bitflags which describe any additional options for which the associated product is licensed; e.g., Office2007UI
EnumerationSubObjectBase.NotifyId Used to identify properties during a property change notification
See Also